[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

Huh, really? Might just be the ranges I tend to play it at, then, because I feel like its armor is a bit tougher…

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Fixing a broken mechanic is not doing so, so I’ll happily continue.


Realistic 20 seconds invulnerability
Realistic 30 seconds repair in an open field
Realistic 3D and 2D markers
Realistic red and black ammo which doesn’t explode
Realistic artillery strike warning

Etc, etc.

But when aphe work unrealistic, it must be certainly changed. Hypocrisy.

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50.Cals slightly struggle at 300m+, but at closer ranges, it shouldn’t be too much of an issue.

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Actually y’all just so happy when realistic changes bring buffs, but cry out loud when realistic changes are nerfs or rebalances.


There’s nothing broken about it, it’s worked this (as intended) way ever since the release of ground. Stuff in this game works as it should in theory but not how it does in reality.

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The way APHE is on the dev server should be implemented.
It doesn’t change it’s operation in most cases aside from specifically cupola shots, in which case if this causes an imbalance the vehicles will get moved around to new appropriate BRs anyway.

To be honest, what i feel is a good change with the APHE changes is the indirect nerf of SPAA going tank destroyer mode, such as ZA-35 or ItPsV Leopard.

35mm API-T vs M48

35mm API-T vs T-55 side

Now the will most likely be less powerful on enemies frontally.

While the side shot on the T-55, might not be the best example, since there will be a bunch of follow up shots that might do the same damage, it is still a good image to show if by chance only 1 of the API-T shells went through the side armor.


“there’s nothing broken, that’s why they’re reworking it so it works as intended” a true powerhouse

You just described you all in one sentence.

Do some reading :>


I hope so, but the BR changes may not be great for the vehicles either. They’ll have the same issue as the Maus does.

What is this? Are you a new player? This comment demonstrates your lack of understanding of the game’s design philosophy.

War Thunder is supposed to be as realistic as possible without being a full on simulation like CHPC or DCS. This means that, “selective realism” as you like to call it, is the prevalence here. They will model realistic shell performance and driving physics as much as possible without restricting your in-game view and adding more complex controls, but they won’t give your Tiger random transmission failures, or the Me 262 random engine fires at 80% throttle.

Call it selective realism if you want. That’s how the game is designed. Realistic APHE should be implemented and it’s not like it’s ruining it. If you want full on realism, get CHPC or Steel Fury, or go download WoT if you want to switch to core arcade.


Read about someone saying that APHE doesn’t work like it does in WT the same as IRL and Gaijin saying “Yeah, we know”? It’s almost like they know it’s a game and changing APHE would be changing core gameplay for better or worse, it’s better to leave it be.

Almost 100 likes :D

…and now they’re changing it to be more in line with reality

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So then it is selective realism. Alright

We’ll see about that, assuming they have another vote and actually honors the outcome this time around.

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Looks like you missed the entire point or you wanted to hear what you wanted to hear.