[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

Does anyone else remember when we had the arcade-ish missile control on radar SPAA (for years) before they changed it to be “more realistic” like it is now? I see this testing going the exact same way that did.

Trouble is, there’s no way to “test” this as they’ve set this up. All players can see is pre-DoD current APHE and buff+nerf APHE. There’s no way right now to get a sense of what buffed DoD APHE will be like without the nerf part, which is what we are told we will be getting on DoD day one, well after the dev server has closed down. So all this “testing” is basically vibes-based now, the two options to be voted on will never be testable by players at the same time.

Since they’ve said twice now they’re going to do the buff-to-APHE anyway no matter what, they instead could have rolled that buff part out on live, pre-DoD, and let the dev be a real test of the counter nerf vs the thing it’s counter-nerfing. But they seem to want to keep flailing around and annoying everyone over this issue instead, for some reason.


I love Democracy…

Saying no to a free test is still saying no to free food no matter how much you argue people are bad for wanting to test something they don’t know how will function.


Id recommend always bringing a few he shells for m109s

I voted for the test, because I want to see the results and also looking forward that Gaijin starts in the future a rework on HESH.


it was a victory considering they voted for the test to happen

I disagree. From my experience, heavy tanks require a higher level of strategic thinking to play effectively. You pretty much need to be thinking 10 steps ahead because if you get yourself into a bad situation, there’s little chance you’ll be able to get yourself out of it. I think this is okay and if you’re able to play at that level, you should be rewarded for it.

Most played vehicles are usually the ones you started with. That is nitpicking.

I wasn’t around before that change, but I can still do pretty decent in the 2S6. Just have to use IRST.

This is an esoteric Russian MMO military vehicle simulator forum, please keep American politics out of this.


I see your point. So to be clear, I am in favor of testing, but of course the test has to be accurate and valid.

I didn’t consider how the buff could affect the results.

Well, 2 matches into APHE changes and my preliminary thoughts are:
1- Vote no and see what happens to the performance of APHE vehicles.
2- Vote yes cause the changes don’t notably impact my play style with APHE rounds.

IDK which I’m leaning toward yet.

Indeed, it’s important to acknowledge that not all voters actively participate in online forums. Therefore, assuming a direct correlation between forum engagement and voter behavior lacks logical grounding. Once again, your argument seems to overlook this distinction.

Yes, heavy tanks do require some more strategic thinking, but the fact that things like Fochs and T95s can now get away with outperforming heavy tanks (even with some at a higher BR than themselves) doesn’t make much sense. They require way less effort to play now than the heavy tanks. Just don’t happen to be in a position where you can get easily pinched, or flanked. Heavy tanks at 7.3 / 7.0 are not completely immune to other conventional rounds, unlike what’s going on now with the TDs that only have cupola weaknesses. Only conventional shells with enough tnt equivalence to overpressure would do the trick now.

Youtubers are the worst place to get your opinions on game mechanics yet most of the people here seem to have done so and then deny it. they all framed it as “your tiger tank is getting nerfed trust me bro” and the German and soviet mains will clamber to keep the most overperforming shell far above the rest


reminds me of people saying top tier ARB would become hell just because Gaijin was ending the ground hugging meta

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Like Battlefield 1 Frontlines mode. ID LOVE THIS SO MUCH

To be fair, those are very heavily armored TDs, and would get put into the heavy tank category if the TD category didn’t exist. I’d say these ones need even more awareness to play. Although I’ve never played them, I’ve never had any issues fighting them. They may be very heavily armored, but once you take out their barrel, it will be difficult for them to get away before you take out their tracks, and at that point they’re as good as dead. Unless they’re playing alongside teammates, as you should in tanks like that.


You should run two tests simultaneously for the live server test:
1- Test as-is with the changes as listed.
2- Test with the existing fragment sphere on live server as of this post, and with the guaranteed changes irrelevant of the vote.

Well that’s the point. If your only option is to run away / flank and hope that they don’t turn around, or to shoot their barrel, what’s the fun in that?
I don’t think anybody thinks track and barrel torturing tanks until you get to their side is fun (just ask any jumbo player that had to stock grind for APHE).

At least, at the moment, these TDs (and other cupola-only weakness vehicles) have great armour, with the enemy still having to aim for weakspots.

I mean Ground hugging is still pretty meta because of multipathing. I also ground hug at low tier when helping friends grind trees as spitfires are great at any speed and any altitude so removing an ability for planes to dive away makes things much easier.

ARB was always hell though

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While talking with friends about the changes, an interesting point came up, and I’d like to make a suggestion.

If possible, it may be more constructive for gameplay to have the APHE changes apply only to simulator battles. If this were the case, RB players could enjoy what they currently have in terms of APHE mechanics, and it would not cause a large shakeup of what shell to use. At the same time, this could make a defining point of the RB game mode being a balance between the Arcade and the Sim modes.

This all banks on if the mechanic can be applied to only one gamemode, or if it is a universal change. If the latter, perhaps some of the code used to give aircraft and tanks different performance parameters across game modes could be implemented to give shells different mechanics based upon game mode? This would actually allow for an even more diverse ability to balance vehicles in different modes beyond changing BRs.