[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

I wish we had ricocheting spall, but note the practically

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“APHE changes are unenjoyable”

I would enjoy 1 shotting 7.7mm incendiary rounds.

You cannot always take the optimal shot at the optimal angle. This also makes cupola shots much more difficult. Especially because hitting cupola on KTH or jumbo is already very hard, it should be rewarded well.

If only, perhaps that will eventually be WWM but that is just a pipe dream.

Can you post links?

ive already replied to you on this

the exact same was done when Gaijin voted for the radar missile changes, people still pretend this doesn’t happen

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Shame, try flanking it

No, I watched the changes, it wasn’t overwhelming. I voted for it within an hour or two of the post (YES vote), that was at 53-55? It went down as more people got on, within 24 hours it was at the ratio that it ultimately ended on.

Stop repeating blatant misinformation. Not everyone can camp the forums/website for changes, it’s inevitable that something cooked up by the forums will initially have more support due to the more active forum users being first to vote

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With these maps? And you cannot flank in every tank or in every situation.

Yeah, you’re right, Gaijin should change the maps too

That is an issue that seriously needs resolving.

The maps, that is.

Never said that. Please stop putting words in my mouth.

I’m pretty sure that most players who voted NO, will ignore the test. I don’t need to test anything to know that I like reliable APHE shells.

You can’t imagine how annoying it is for me to hit the enemy ammo rack with APDS shell to find out I was unlucky with the RNG and it didn’t explode. Then the enemy turns their turret and kills me. Where’s the fun in that? If I used APHE shell with the same shot, the gunner would be dead anyway (due to post-pen explosion), so it wouldn’t be a big deal (even if I needed the second shot to finish the tank).

I definitely wouldn’t play Ground battles as much as I do, if APHE shells were weaker. So why would I want to change the reliable shell that I like the most for something less reliable?

It’s funny that some people think that the rank 3-4 area and major nations are so popular only because players want to “abuse APHE shells”. And no one has considered that maybe the area is so popular because players actually have fun in APHE fights?

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They’ll make an excuse about queue times and just slap some more red borders down, good as fixed!

It’s ok if you will ignore the test, I’m sure not everyone will and they’ll change their opinions after testing it, even the ones that initially approved the changes

Britain suffers yet more.

Realistically the reason that area has the most players is because people have not grinded further and have gotten through the rank 1-2 grind v quick.

The ultimate cope. It was somehow manipulated/botted because it was initially in favor of then changed to against as people who aren’t terminally online found out about said vote.

every time a change happens they pull out this saying when they’re on the end that’s losing
must be a massive coincidence me thinks…

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