[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

idk the comments are world war 3.

but after testing and playing in the test they are very great changes !
1- more damage for tank modules which mean that will make disabling tanks twice better
2-crew have less chance to die
3- that’s the changes.
i don’t understand why people angry it’s very good change which will help players more.

While a lot of the points you mentioned are true, I’m gonna have to point out that damage models and projectile behaviour is one of the aspects that Gaijin attempts to model as realistically as practically possible.

This is why most of us are playing War Thunder and not the other tank game.

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I’ve ignored everything you said because the part I quoted is more than enough, Gaijin wishes to portray the game as realistic so they’re changing APHE to be more in line with reality, it’s simple

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I dont want to disable a tank, I want to kill it.

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Aim better?


That would screw with my parallax so glad they don’t.
Hard to fly without digital counters and a view of the ground.

Wowp died because it looked and played like shit

Source: played the other company’s games, got fed up with their shit, quit

You weren’t keeping track of how the votes were going. It was overwhelmingly for the change but changed to 50:50 within a couple hours, it was brigaded.

Their ground bases are way better thou, it’s an actual position you attack and I wish gaijin one day makes them similar here.

Which is why spalling bounces around the tank… wait a minute…


learn to aim


Im asking agiain, where are the youtubers calling people to vote against it???

you mean when people who arent terminally on the forums got off work and saw the devblog?

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as far as I know, bouncing isn’t modelled due to limitations, it’s an entirely different issue

If the “No” vote has only a slim majority the second time, will the devs force implementation?

There’s still massive inconsistency in that regard, especially in the post-penetration damage department.

And let’s be real, we play this game because the alternative one is tragic

I wish every day we had a dynamic GRB set-up. Capture a point, unlock forward spawn and whatnot.

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about four of the youtubers i watch all said they don’t like it and told people to vote against it. DawgIVlife was one of the more notable ones to be against it

new vote, make spall bound around a tank XD

You mean like this here?

76mm APHE before change vs angled Tiger E


76mm APHE after change vs angled Tiger E

So, yes you can do something against an angled Tiger E, and if you notice, with all the changes to APHE, you have an even higher chance to one shot it, since nose part of the shell goes and hits the ammo.

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