[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!



They don’t overpressure as well in the new system because the projectile keeps going so it gets out of overpressure range for the driver and radio operator because it’s now exploding in the bustle and not right after it enters through the armour.

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its not even that, its an outright fact that there are things that need to be fixed changed or altered more then aphe and this is diverting recourses from those for an unneeded test that shouldn’t even have gone through in the first place.

Keep in mind, gaijin is modelling the projectile staying intact no matter the system so it’ll be like this when if we keep the old shrapnel I would guess

War Thunder players when Gaijin brings realistic buffs: “He he”
War Thunder players when Gaijin brings realistic nerfs/rebalancing: “Not he he”

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No, the argument is that the game is far from a simulator.

Gaijin fails to realistically model a MAJORITY of things in the game; clearly, War Thunder is more of a GAME and not a SIMULATOR. A quick list: fictitious vehicles, inaccurate vehicle designation, poor damage modeling, poor physics, lack of regenerative steering, acceleration based on hp/ton ratio and not torque at drivewheel (more accurate), the list goes on and on…

Thus, changes should be evaluated on the basis of how they affect gameplay in context of the overall game design/vision.


Gaijin decided the test should be done before whatever issue you believe is more important, they obviously have more information on their resources than you have so I’ll assume everything is just fine resource wise

Thank god gaijin realised a load of YouTubers brigaded the vote.


Which is why they’re changing APHE


Every plane pulls significantly harder in game vs irl. Some FMs are hilariously overpreforming. Third person view.

Also World of warplanes died because it was a shitty pay 2 win game that was incredibly unbalanced and grindy.

More like the flight is almost uncontrollable with that input lag.

So many people keep saying this and honestly, I have seen zero YouTubers do this

I never actually played it ngl. Just things I’ve heard

More realistic flight models when, it would be easier for missile SPAA to shoot down top tier planes because they now can’t pull as hard.

Biggest cope ever. People that use the same argument as you and the guys that actually did follow the youtubers have one thing in common though: they’re sheeples lol.
Drop that argument lol

Completely ignoring everything I just typed.

They’re changing one thing while ignoring a whole host of other issues. People have zero hope of them ever actually fixing said issues, or at the very least, this would take over a decade at their current rate.

While waiting, it’s still a game. APHE changes are unenjoyable from a gameplay perspective to many people, and they’re voting no.

Just accept that not everyone likes the same things you do, and this time, you are in the minority

I can make a fantastic analogue, play air rb but add about a half second onto any actions you do.

More realistic FM and locking planes into cockpit view would instantly make cas 1000% more balanced.

because if a youtuber puts a change i want in bad light its propaganda and lying not just spreading awareness

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