[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

Right and what part of those are realistic. Take a look at plane to prove both those points wrong instantly.
Tanks also have very badly modeled things like transmissions(which should also get fixed ASAP) and tons of other “realistic” Things not in game. E.g barrels hitting walls.

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Worst part is we could have just tested this first and had the battle royale later, only thing I will fault the snail for.

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Never as a similuator but yes as realisitic

yeah… alright i was riled up, my bad.

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reminder tanks are modeled as if they have 4 wheels which is why they get stuck on trenches so bad

Here’s most of the APHE rounds around the Tiger II’s BR that can now ammo rack the Tiger II through the front of the production turret, I didn’t include higher penetration rounds from guns like BR-412D and BR-471D as they’ll obviously do it too.


Naaa, barrels would be tedium.
Planes need a much more detailed DM which they could probably pull off now but overall having some level of realism does help the game.

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I still think there shouldn’t have been a vote on the test to begin with, because they went ahead with it anyways. The polarizing issue is that a) people have the maturity of squirrels, and b) Gaijin went ahead and did it anyways, pissing people off because they just ignored the vote anyways.

There should have been a test, announce it, and then there should have been just an implementation vote which would adhere to the outcome of the vote.


There are issues with some vehicles, but most actually are accurate. And this is what the game is aiming to do, even if sometimes they get things wrong. Else we wouldn’t have bug reports literally using historical sources.


“Gaijin fails to realistically model everything so this means they should never try to realistically model APHE”
Intellectual juggernauts around here

Almost all these shells have enough HE for overpressure

Varies quite a bit before APHE changes

Sometimes 3/2, sometimes just one crew member.

True. Nobody would fault them for simply announcing a test and then having a vote after.


It violates KISS in a uniquely gaijin way lol.


whats KISS?

Maybe just maybe there are things that should be a higher priority then nerfing damage again and this test is wasting time and money on things that would actually improve the game across the board instead of something so divided

The literal reason why people preferred air RB of warthunder over the other f2p plane game that’s from the same company as the company that makes the free to play tank game was because our planes behave in a best-approximation to realistic flight models.

I say best-approximation because fluid dynamics and whatnot calculated real time is not exactly plausible for an online multiplayer video game (potentially even a single player video game - although some try with simplified aero models, like FAR in KSP). As such, gaijin instead uses pre-computed flight models for each plane individually rather than trying to calculate aerodynamic effects based on voxels in real time.

This leads to artefacts and faults that reduce a truly realistic simulation, but again - it is a best-approximation assuming the correct data was implemented. For WW2 era planes, it more often than not - is. Post-WW2, I imagine classified materials hinder flight models in a not insignificant manner and also, the whole transition between subsonic and transonic flight is going to be painful to model even with purpose-built software if we want it to run real-time on a toaster over a slow internet connection.

Tanks are far less within my “fascination” despite playing them more when playing warthunder, and there have been some intentional gameplay changes (Traction being really dumb for example) that depart from realistic modelling. However, even then - every advertisement and selling point of warthunder I’ve seen was that you get to drive an authentic tiger or sherman. At least, back in the day before top tier MBTs were a thing.

The reason I came back to Warthunder myself was explicitly a desire at an accessible flight sim that handles propeller planes decently and allows me to have fun fighting for midway or other iconic battles. Alas, naval avation got removed from Historical battles (or Air RB) (or I have terrible luck with map rotation). I was playing KSP rather obsessively before that trying to design some stupid supersonic planes that can land on tiny airfields in the FAR model.


Keep It Simple Stupid.
In short not overcomplicating things.


There are many comments against the change. Yet none of them got nearly as much support.

whataboutism, masterful play indeed