[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

That was HIM?

This. And ONLY this. Either they go full real like that or drop the idea as it’ll only hurt the game

Pretty sure Simulator fans would 90% agree with the APHE changes.
Opposite for Arcade Fans


no test
after test

before test
after test


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And the Foch?

Gaijin’s implementation of realism is extremely inconsistent, if you truly believe those statements then you may want to double check your work

(Looking at you, Ho-Ri)

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What were the orignial goalposts. I was not paying attention to you

  • A vote split 52% vs 48%? (Rounded)

  • 3 hours old thread already passed 700 replies

  • Highly polarized debate

  • Insults and toxic discourse

Honestly, I think this proves Gaijin right. There would be an outcry anyway, no matter which side “won”. The issue is so polarized and the margin is just too small.

No matter what view we have on the issue I think it’s a good thing that we get to test it out ourself and see if it’s worth implementing.


The absence of a dislike button doesnt mean you got the support lmao. Logical fellacy.

Who even uses tsundereskill in 2024 lmao.

So you agree they should be more consistent with realism? that’s great then

Not like us

it’s your most played ground vehicle

“Characteristics and damage models”.
That’s distinctly not just how things look.

If I recall correctly they never mentioned that, in order to start a public test, they would need a majority of voters wanting the test.
Compared to the whole community, the number of votes were very little and the majority of them being against the test was a fragile one.

it was also brigaded by other Content creators begging their viewers to vote on yes. So its only bad when it was a No vote but doing the same for the yes vote is good? LMAO


It was a response to “War Thunder has never been marketed as realistic/a simulator”

done i added them.

Wdym “nitpicking”. He showed the ground vehicle you have the most games in.