[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

that’s very great change !!!
maus with no test

maus after the test

Tog II with no test

Tog II after the test

T30 before with no test

T30 after test

Tiger II with no test

Tiger II after the test

UFO with no test

UFO after test

these changes are great crew may still alive more but the damage for the tank insides are twice better which mean it’s so easy to disable tanks.

i don’t understand why people thing it’s bad.


A majority is a majority. Yes, ignoring 48% is better than ignoring 52%. And holding a vote and doing whatever you want anyway regardless of the outcome is not a trust generating practice.


52% of the playerbase disagrees, apparently.

I voted yes to test for the record, I think it’s stupid Gaijin went ahead with it anyways, and I hate how Gaijin implemented it and basically made APHE worse than solid shot. Miserable implementation of the changes, will be voting no in the future


You’re assuming everyone will dislike the test


Not saying that, just look at the voting over time vs peoples videos releasing with their opinions.

Shoot PzGr 39/43 against Foch’s rangefinder, or the T95

You are hitting the 3D model of the side armor of the Maus’ turret on the first shot, but not on the second.

These are wildly different hits in the first place.

Yep, sometimes I need to say myself good things

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Half the shells you used have Overpressure.

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With pro or against this change opinions

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Thank you very much for actually testing this! And also for planning a test in the live server, as us console players can’t use the dev server.

Looking forward to seeing how this works in detail, as a fix for the APHE “sphere of death” has been one of the game’s most needed improvements for years. :)


but dont forget he also single-handedly got stock apfsds added to wt so we should all bend down and worship his feet

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“The appearance and characteristics of the vehicles in War Thunder are historically accurate, and their damage models are physically based.”

“In War Thunder, aircraft, attack helicopters, ground forces and naval vessels collaborate in realistic competitive battles.”


I mean, agree or disagree, it all tastes the same.
Atm the biggest point is we have the technology, we can test this without having such a divisive and meaningless vote.

So how things lock are realistic, not how thing preform.

wow look the goalposts just moved!

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This comment does make me wonder what the vote results would’ve been if they were differentiated by game modes.
