[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

It is very easy to hit the drivers hatch


You might not but I can safely consider most do take issues with such problems, the shell explosion only reverses due to it hitting the back wall, instead of being focused towards that back.

the majority is only flawed when i disagree with it!!!

velocity loss after penetration is not modeled to my knowledge

In complete honesty, this is a “tiny percent of realism” in the current as well as supposedly ‘fixed’ implementation. One does comically large amounts of damage, one does comically low amounts of damage.

Considering how HEAT, APDS are suffering, and APCR does the damage of a wet noodle, I would rather have more damage over basically giving tanks health bars by making shells do almost zero damage.

Guarantee that if Gaijin did a poll for APDS/HEAT/APCR, even Solid shot buffs, you would see overwhelming support vs. an APHE nerf

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Most do not, give how the vote was 52% against.

But it’s still a majority, stop “crying” I voted yes but the tes that Gaijin have done it’s not ok, because no won!

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its russian cc 2 AM mail-in votes obviously…STOP THE COUNT

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A fun thing to look at is the voting over time, it was very clearly a yes till CC and servers got involved.
Explosions in general desperately need to get the same reworking that’s been going on with the rest of the game.

This is a whole lot of coping about a simple test because the vote was close enough to change people’s opinions. I’m sure this test, which is not actually being implemented yet, will completely destroy the game.

It basically will work out like that since the only real advantages of the TS round are the velocity and flat pen.

When Pzgr.43 round has similar or better performance against angled armor, and effectively guaranteed oneshots due to overpressure, people will likely flock towards it.

So you blatanly manipulate the vote in your favor then. That’s even worse than lying. But thanks for clarifying that your opinion should be disregarded.

Doesn’t matter if you don’t like people’s opinions on a topic, a vote is a vote.


You’re like the one sane person that voted yes
I applaud you for that

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Oh didn’t know that!

In that case, it could probably work off of the shell’s penetration at time of impact, compared to armor thickness.

Idk mate, I don’t think it’s a conspiracy

well its ignoring a massive playerbase that voted,
anyways im veering offtopic, yeah im salty I lost.

I’m sure that they failed even before that to be honest. Do you remember their previous idea of the crew stun? If you think about this, their plan was almost certainly to make APHE shells less powerful, by replacing some instant crew kills with temporary stuns. Such implementation wouldn’t change the situation that much, but you would often need 2 hits instead of 1 to destroy the tank (after the first hit, the enemy wouldn’t be able to shoot you back anyway, due to the crew stun mechanics). I think they got lost in trying to please players and created too many votes about this. After the crew stun was rejected, they decided to push for APHE change anyway and we have the current situation, where the whole APHE ranks area will have to be played completely differently if these changes will be implemented. In fact, many APHE shells will be inferior to pure AP shells due to lower penetration, but very similar post-pen damage.

The main reason why I enjoy APHE shells in the game is their reliability and low RNG. You know what to expect from them. There is a reason why APHE area is the most popular area in the game (at least in Ground Arcade, I don’t play Ground Realistic). There is nothing worse for me than hitting the gunner with APDS or HEAT shell, and instead of killing him, only making him “orange” - then the enemy turns their turret and kills you, because his RNG hit was more lucky than yours. That’s exactly why I don’t like weak APDS/HEAT shells, but I enjoy APHE shells so much, they are the funniest shells in the game for me. I like to use them, and it looks like many players like to use them as well.

Anyway, I don’t see how YES option in the second vote could win, it would be very illogical. Pretty much everyone who voted NO in the first vote will vote NO again. But some players who voted YES in the first vote, and only wanted to see the test, will vote NO in the second vote. So the difference should be even higher, maybe something like 45% YES to 55% NO or even 40% to 60%? But maybe the devs will implement this change anyway, because e.g. 40% of players wanting this change will be “significant enough” for them?

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Thanks, I was applauded in the previous topic too because I already explained that idk if this is a + or a - for WT gameplay

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Arguably its less about damage and more how these shells handle at a fundamental level but that’s an issue for another time.
Atm as seen in the vid I posted the biggest part is trying to stop the fireworks display of APHE, giving it a more directional blast which is actually a buff to it lol.
Then they can go back and check how other rounds are doing and buff them if needed (this could easily lead to a APCR buff thats been needed for like 6 years).