[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

Historical BR are dumb, but not semi-historical battles and team composition

So further separate the Br of those tanks that do not fall into that level, by making a jump in the Br of those countries the solution is solved. Israel starts at Br 6.0 and nothing happens, countries can go from Br 6.0 to 7.7 or so.

so by your logic ignoring 52% of no votes is better


yes ignoring 48% instead of 52% is statistically better


The math does check out.


Me when the democratic process doesn’t give me the result I wanted (suddenly I really love dictatorships):


Then we will see the 52% again when a new vote starts

so true!

By changing the explosion to handle at least a tiny percent with any realism instead of a firework.

I think that will cause a bunch of other unforeseen issues down the line.
APCR also does not help against angled plates, such as the Foch’s.

It shouldn’t but that is a possibility, yes. It is what it is.

Rewarding players for being aware of their surroundings? Yes. But I will admit this will never work in the CQC maps Gaijin has been pushing lately, which they should stop doing.

Perhaps, we will have to wait and see on the second vote, I’m just happy we get to at least test it.

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Except you have to admit that shot shouldn’t happen, even in other tank games that shot would have bounced.

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the electoral college is a GOATED idea and we should add it to wt obviously


Instead of predetermined damage area, which is very simplified and frankly unrealistic, why not make the damage cone depend on the residual velocity of the shell?

If you hit thin armor and overpenetrate, for example against a cupola, the shell will lose little speed and explode still going very fast. This will produce narrow damage cone.

If you hit thick armor and barely penetrate, the shell loses alotta speed and explode going very slow = wide damage cone.


tried the changes and they don’t seem bad

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should you have gotten the kill, no.
Do I really mind?

Well, this change proposed to do so, but it’s not liked by the majority, Gaijin can change the way APHE work but not implementing the realistic explosion? I think yes and they need to do it

It is not so easy to hit the driver’s hatch, since there is still armor underneath it and you have to shoot right above. And besides, I think that if this change is made, the Maus should have the APHE-DS bullet removed and be left with the APCBC as its best bullet.

That’s why I say that we need to make a general change of all bullets, not just the APHE ones.

It shouldn’t be what it would become. It’s fairer how it is now.

Pretty much like how WoT kept removing weakspots from tanks, only to have people force to flank for dear life, or to load gold rounds.

well the whole 51%= majority is flawed