[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

as a certain Russian man would say: weeeeh weeeeeh, hahahaha cry some more… cry some more.

this is entire comment section is the result when war thunder players can’t braindead W + mouse 1 towards the spawn xddd


Due to some potential confusion regarding the wording in Feature 2, are you basing the explosive mass on actual filler to shell ratio, or on the TNTe of the filler? I feel the TNTe number may be a more accurate metric, if say “Filler” is a standin for TNT. For example, the Pz Gr 39 shell on a 75mm Panther has 64g of explosive mass to the weight of the shell, coming out to 0.06%. If we count the TNTe mass however, which is 108g, this changes the ratio to just over 0.1%, close to double the actual filler amount.

Does shell geometry come into play, such as a capped shell vs a ballistic capped shell?

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with ~48 voting yes and ~52 voting no, it is the slimmest majority win and it should definitely be implemented in some manner, mayne not in the current state it is right now.

Don’t forget the APCRs either, the American APCRs penetrate a lot, and only need realistic damage and a correct penetration calculator to be more than useful bullets against flat armor like the front of the Maus turret.

you have to be trolling, you have a 0.4-0.5kd in basically every single vehicle i can see on your statcard (both ground and air)

Is4 was not a prototype, and is4 and t32 cannot frontally pen a maus with APHE and have to rely on side shots.

The majority voted no. I am against the yes option because it invites slower gameplay in an arcade game and lowers the gameplay standard to that of worse players, instead of allowing better players to teach them how to play better

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You literally main low to mid tier Germany.

That’s true, although, other nations may not have that luxury.

I would just like to see aphe only spalling directly behind itself.
Idk if this link will work in here but good example of my issues.


because i do not tryhard. i play for fun.

neither do i, but i’m not complete garbage at the game


It is still a majority and ignoring 52% of the people is just wrong and loses even more trust in this company. Like why vote in the first place if the vote gets ignored? Why continue playing the game if majority player feedback is non consequential?

that is your subjective opinion and has nothing to do with the vote.

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Clearly not because they’re still testing it lol

Why not? And they can still flank to get side shots. What you should really be doing is asking Gaijin to give us bigger maps.

As they should, it was a close vote to test a feature, so it will have no effect on the main game. That’s what the next vote is for. If it was up to me, none of this would have been tested.

A vote that came down to less than 2% for only a test is something that should clearly still be tested. All the no voters are upset because we at least get to see what Gaijin was working on, which I don’t understand.

As they should be, being able to frontally kill/one-shot a bunker on tracks is dumb and players should be punished for trying it.

Thank you for not allowing a small difference to stop us being able to test what Gaijin as been working on. Please do not do any more pre-test votes, but continue with the post-test votes, possibly only available to players who have actually participated in the test.

Try flanking, German players are known for being perception-challenged anyways.

Off-topic but I don’t think ARMs will be as big of a deal as you think they will, every single top-tier SPAA in the game is capable of IRST (except for the Tor-M1, according the the stat card, though I’m a bit surprised that it doesn’t have it)

I agree, but this is normal for War Thunder. Most tankers abandon the tank after 1 penetrating shot IRL, a red crew member would not be able to do anything IRL. It’s just the nature of health points and video games where you don’t value your life.

I’m pretty new but I would wager that this is from the influx of new players in the last few years, as the game began appealing to a wider audience rather than people with a hyper-fixation on military hardware (though it still does, which I love)

All damage in this game is unreliable, it’s just how the engine works.

Why not vote according to whether you think it will be good for the game, after you test it, like a normal person?

Idrc because I’m fine with APHE not changing, since my reaction time and aim is better than my knowledge of low tier component layout, but it just makes you look petty.

It took about 2 weeks for Gaijin to implement a 0.7 BR increase for high and top tier jets after ARH missiles were added, which has never happened before. Rebalancing the entirety of low will be a bit harder, but I think it’s worth it.

For a vote that should’ve never happened in the first place.


The amount of people complaining that this is literally just being tested is insane. This shouldn’t even be a vote frankly, if it’s in the interest of making a shell that’s been broken for years more realistic.
Now if it’s valid to keep APHE unrealistic for “gameplay reasons”, when do I get to ask for something like unrealistically buffed Maus armor for “gameplay reasons”? It would be pretty cool from that perspective.


I play for fun. It does not mean I am bad.

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depends on what you consider garbage?
the ceiling to be good in this game is very low

Why should it be made more realistic? It’s an arcade game, NOT a simulator

and you still can’t hit it apparently


this is what THEY want you to believe