[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

As someone who voted no, I’m voting no again on principle of Gaijin disrespecting community majority.

This is no longer about an APHE change for me, it’s about the efficacy of these community polls being entirely eroded if gaijin keeps pushing what THEY want instead of what the community chooses.

If the community wanted an APHE change, they would’ve voted for it. I voted no against testing, and I’m gonna vote no against implementation a second time because I think it’s a poor mechanic to change - without some level of battle rating changes beforehand, this will destroy matchmaking for months.

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I have played more than them and longer than them (sadly)
And more importantly, I play ground. Someone without an understanding on how ground works should not be yapping so much.


That seems the wrong way to put it. The sample size for a 50-50 vote needed to get the accurate value within 1%, with 99.9% confidence, for 600,000 players or more, is 27,000, and they got over twice that many votes. The No side definitely won here, statistically, anyway.


Just go stat check me or something.
I have like a 3. something monthly K/s and a 5.5 kd in the tigris(which btw is very low for the tigris. i am mostly a high BR player and was unfamiliar with positioning and timing diffs. Also i got bombed a lot)

Also I am just asking why if APHE is OP, why can’t he do well with good vehicles that have good APHE?

Nice crab mentality, lets fix one issue at a time. I think its reasonable to say all three things can be fixed, and we should tackle the problems one at a time instead of trying to measure what is more fustrating.

True, that’s also another way to put it, probably way more effective too lol

hahaha i love it,
people crying so much about just a test.

a positive change, but muh weakspots, muh one shots, muh META
learn to not braindead point and click for once, and learn to pick your battles.


The problem is that Gaijin won’t fix these issues (at least for the forseeable future) if we do decide to implement these changes.
I’d love APHE to be a bit less broken, but I’d also love the game to not get any more unbalanced than it already is.

Ngl I took out the somua after a couple months and not having a LRF/stab had me tweaking the first minute of the match

Curiously, in all the games I’ve played, I’ve practically never shot anyone in the commander’s cupola, the only tank I’ve done it to would be the T95.
Regarding the Maus, the thing is that the Maus as a prototype, faces tanks of similar types, the American T95 T34 and T32, the IS-4, the Tortoise and Centurion Mk1 and 2 with APDS, all those prototype tanks with guns with great penetration, with a damage upgrade to make them more consistent could have a chance against the Maus, since a shot to the front of the turret could break the gun and kill the crew members who are in line with the penetration.

Is this that mythical sherman crew survivability you hear in every online discussion about the Sherman ever? jk


Not letting the devs spend time and ressources on it in the first place so they don’t push it through even if we hate the change bc they already spend time and ressources on it makes ALOT of sense.

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Tbh i only miss the mobility + stab. The LRF is nice but not needed.

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i mean, an average knocked out sherman would lose roughly 1-2 crew members when penetrated, so ti does make sense lol

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The guns on all those heavy tanks at the br ranges of 7.3 - 7.7 have mediocre pen compared to HEATFS / APDS. They certainly do damage, though.

I imagine that this is simply an error in the damage calculation, because the damage should continue in a straight line, at least killing the three crew members in line.

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it’ll be getting a speed buff so that might help a bit
still do wish I had a stab but w/e

The majority voted no. Stop blatantly lying.


^^ this