[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

Pzgr. has overpressure so it’s not affected.

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The teams are bad but I don’t think you’re contributing much at all.

Definitely less frustrating than getting CAS’D or lol-penned because the vehicle is now uptiered.

No because the Tiger has an overpressure APHE round.

And overpressure is not being reworked with these changes. Meaning that the Tiger will still just one shot.

Have fun with that.


No its not. Pzgr. has over pressure and will still one shot.


Well the vote was on the ability to test for yourself.
And I almost didn’t catch that when I was voting but did just prior to me selecting a vote to test.
Cause I’d rather be informed and oppose it later than misinformed and risk regret.

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Best Solution For A Wider Voting System

Just implement an ingame voting system. Have the exact same forum info shown in a window or separate tab upon launching the game. A player just votes Yes or No and can then view the voting results as a scoreboard as @themadseventeen mentioned, or in the forum tab


The shot on the ammorack just completely not killing made me grimace, absolutely miserable implementation. This looks like the low tier Brit APDS

I saw no need to waste resources on developing a test when other things could have been done.
One pressing issue is the compression of ground and why ground BR has not been upped to 13.7 like air has.

but reddit and the forums told me this is actually a buff to Britain!!!

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I hope gaijin makes nobrain APHE more realistic.


I’m for this.

Runescape manages to put its polls in-game. I’m confident warthunder could do so as well.

Would also eliminate fairness issues. Maybe it could be included in the mobile app to let people participate while abroad and stuff.


One thing is clear, that the initial APDS would break when penetrating armor is realistic, the problems are several:
For example, with the Conqueror you cannot pierce an IS-3 if you hit it where the spare chain is, when in reality it should be possible, since it would first pierce the spare chain, it would lose some penetration and the bullet would degrade, but it would still retain the integrity to pierce the IS-3, since that chain is attached to the front hull, and is not separated by 50 centimeters.
It also happens that the bullet disappears when it breaks, when in reality it fragments but still maintains a certain shape depending on the armor it passes through.
In short, the breakage of the initial APDS is realistic, but its negative points are too exaggerated. They are weak against spaced armor, but not so much if these are glued, such as replacement tracks or added plates such as the 100 + 100 mm of the Ferdinand. They will suffer more when hitting wheels before hitting the armor, since there is a certain space, but even so the bullet would not disappear, it would fragment losing a good part of its penetration, but if the armor behind that wheel is soft it would be pierced.

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We loose even if i kill more than 10 enemy.
I contribute more than enough to win. My team just stay AFK and do nothing

That shot on the ammorack would definitely kill in battle situation. Protection analysis isnt perfect

I shall add that to my feedback docx for the next feedback form.
That’s a good suggestion.

So true!!!

We should have Reddit balance the game so that the Abrams goes down to 8.3 and still can’t break 50wr, that would be hilarious

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What happened here was they really really didn’t want to put the DoD big buff to APHE without the counter nerf. So they put out a vote that they thought made it obvious that we were only voting on the nerf cause who in their right mind would vote for APHE to be MORE powerful?

The trouble was that elaborate bit of intellectual judo was lost on players, and what was supposed to be just a rubber stamp approval blew up on them. They were always going to test this. The only thing they achieved by an early vote was showing up the voting as irrelevant in this case.

The real trouble now is, by going straight to the buff plus nerf state on dev today, instead of just doing the buffs so people can see how bad it’s gonna get and start begging for the nerf, they’ve just compounded their problem again, with people now only able to compare pre-DoD and dev (buff+nerf) screenshots, which still makes it look kinda nerfy. We have all yet to see our post-DoD APHE wasteland with only the last two changes in OP, and now won’t until we’re hit with it on launch.

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Protection analysis is an ideal scenario that doesn’t deal with server desync, lag, etc. So no it would be worse in an actual battle, though protection analysis does not include the %chance for ammo to detonate

just one more change and wt will hit #1 on the steam charts you have to believe me

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