[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

Is there a way to use protection analysis with the changes?

dev server

253/78 in Tiger E with a 40% Wr
231/62 in Tiger H1 with a 44% Wr
You’re not good. You have sub 5kd with turbo-low win rates. Its very obvious you play for KD and to stat pad.

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Either way

My tiger stats are worse I will admit. I played them when i was about 2 months into the game at most

This would be great. Just have an update or forum tab that shows the exact same information that the online forums have, it’ll appear when you login to the game same way as update/bug fixes do.
Then a player can just vote YES or NO and view the poll results.

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I’m here for APHE tears. shit’s funny.

Yes of course


Now thats real managed democracy!

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I revisited the tiger recently since I never played the E, 7 games 20:1, it’s such a stupid vehicle lmao. particularly good for playing with friends and helping them with learning the game

I’m mad if people want to suppress my ability to gain knowledge in order to control how I think.
Cause irrelevant how how I think APHE deserves to act in War Thunder, I deserve the right to investigate the new system and think for myself.

CCs meddling in the votes with misinformation in either direction is bad data, I don’t care which side the misinformation was on really.
I just want the ability to learn for myself what the changes are and decide myself what my thoughts are on the matter.


This, imagine thinking for yourself.


Wait so you can hit an unangled Tiger directly center of mass and he will have like…

A 50% change of still just shooting back and killing you with his one shot overpressure round?

Holy shit Alvis is based today?


Turbo low wr not cause i don’t make enough, cause absolutely all team just bots

I did not watch any CCs, or listen to any feedback. I saw the news post in a discord server I am in about 2 days into the vote. Read it through and then decided, no I do not want that and voted no.

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so crappy corner shots and cupola shots make the game not fustrating? this can go both ways you know.


Pretty happy with the test. It’s working pretty well.

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Tiger is also getting affected so…he might only have a 50% chance of killing you with his 88mm round?