[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

which means you have severe skill issue lmfao. don’t dilly dally around your dogshit skill.

I played France and still did well with solid shot.
Also as much as you complain about APHE being a crutch, you seem to be negative in some powerful tanks that use APHE.
So either you’re so bad at the game that not even APHE can carry you, or APHE isn’t actually that much of a carry.

You can barrel snipe now thanks to the head of the shell staying intact.

Oh the horror! You have to aim for vital points like literally every other AP shell type in game to do the most damage, Notice how the projectile kept going until it hit the gunner.


Something goes my way? Fair, trust the process, stop coping, this is how democracy works!

Something doesn’t go my way? Rigged, lies, fake news, would be my way if not for brigading and vote manipulation!

I seriously don’t understand this logic, plenty of content creators made videos both supporting and criticizing the changes – and there are plenty of people on both sides with stupid or flat out incorrect takes. If people agree with them and are incentivized to vote, it is not ‘manipulation’, they just agreed with the CC and were simply informed by them.


Glad to see the test is going through. Core game changes should not be subject to votes. Fixing the game should be the priority.

oh yeah I know. I just want to shit on APHE fanboys that seethe when this change rolled out. I fucking loved seeing APHE abusing nation main tear. I sympathize with their shit RP reward compared to air but fuck me APHE dogs malding? that’s movie.

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nyenyenyenye, aim better.

You should follow your own advice cant even go 1:1 in a tiger.

War Thunder has 20 million active accounts that could have voted here. Of those at least 500,000 play every day. So getting 60,000 votes for this is about 10% of the active daily player count.

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Yea no. Barrel damage is unreliable even with APFSDS

I don’t feel like playing a P2W mode where someone can get bush and autowin. i’d take the more skillfull air RB gameplay.

iT’s iN tHe BuG rEpOrTs SeCtIoN

Not addressing my point, it can be a bug report and still a nerf, please read what I write

Check my TigerE and Tiger H1))
Skilly men)))
And have game experience on them i can say,APHE is OP.

Such as BI (definitely not P2W)

That seems like such a low number for the amount of players this game has. Did you consider implementing the voting system so that it can be done in game, like in the hangar? Maybe even make like a scoreboard to show the current votes?

EDIT: by scoreboard I mean something like this. Wouldn’t look too out of place if painted in OD green.


LOL look at this dude

I’ve since updated one of my earlier posts so reposting for you:

One exact memory I have is that someone had implemented “material hardness” for some weird project of theirs. Players discovered that it had faulty logic and proceeded to start tearing apart bar tables because they were made of marbles.

Then they attached the marble from the tables onto spears and proceeded to mess up all game balance.

It was an intended mechanic working as intended.

The developer simply did not understand what they were doing.

We proceeded to nerf it by also including a brittleness value that led to marble spears being pretty useless after a few stabs alongside glass spears.

For how ridiculous marble spears were - they were on par with fictional super materials that are rewards for doing PvE content.

I can attest to this as well. Nothing is more frustrating than hitting a barrel with APFSDS and does nothing but ricochet, or turn it yellow.


didnt own that. sides premium low tier jet seems like the shit APHE main would buy.