[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

The problem is, according to you 48.6% is “significant number of voters”, but somehow 51.4% is not “significant”. This brings a question what does “significant” really mean to you?

Let’s assume that in the second vote 48% vote for the change and 52% against. Will you implement the change anyway, because “significant number of voters expressed interest in APHE change”?

What about 45%? Or 40%? Or maybe even 35%? Is it significant enough for you? Sorry, but this is pure manipulation.

I agree with those who have written before that if you choose to disrespect the majority of players who voted, then you shouldn’t have created a vote in the first place.


This makes sense. Basically a complicated nerf

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Enemy Hit! It did nothing to him LOAD HYPERSHOT

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Prove that it was 48% before the vote bombing by people following a lying content creator.
Cause it was well over 70% before those inaccurate votes started.


I think this change is a good thing, as it was something that was needed, but I think that something that needs to be addressed immediately is the damage model of all the other bullets in the game, because although this change is good, the other bullets still have flaws that result in little damage or no damage at all when penetrating, possibly due to some programming error in the fragment calculator, something that does not happen so often with APHE.


A bug fix can be a nerf too.

This is true. Early APDS shells really need to be reworked with the absolutely abysmal performance we get from them

It’s literally in the confirmed bug reports section.

And going with SS13 as that’s where I have development experience.

If someone with a faulty understanding of thermodynamics and kinetics makes a change to the game’s atmospherics model that leads to faulty behaviour - WHICH THEY knowingly intended to happen…

Then, a player who has read the pull request and code and noticed the faulty mathematics makes a bug report.

Then, fixing it is a bug fix.

Do thrusters not provide sufficient thrust with a given gas mix & temperature? Oh, it’s because whoever implemented it did not understand the proper formulae and used a simplified expression that is not applicable in the simulated conditions?

It’s a bug. We’re fixing it.

One exact memory I have is that someone had implemented “material hardness” for some weird project of theirs. Players discovered that it had faulty logic and proceeded to start tearing apart bar tables because they were made of marbles.

Then they attached the marble from the tables onto spears and proceeded to mess up all game balance.

It was an intended mechanic working as intended.

The developer simply did not understand what they were doing.

We proceeded to nerf it by also including a brittleness value that led to marble spears being pretty useless after a few stabs alongside glass spears.

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That’s why people should do their own research and reading, instead of listening to content creators

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You’re completely forgetting the balancing issues that arise with the change.

So you can’t do shit with solid shot. if anything that confirm my suspicion that you’re only good because APHE carried your bad shot.


Love it. Just played a match and the shell still performs very well but I think it’s more balanced now.
Btw if you leave it with just the shell head flyng after it explodes APHE would just be super over powered.


TF you mean inaccurate votes???
Are you mad people started disagreeing with you?

Yeah, I don’t play tanks. problem?

I think the crew should be forced to evacuate anytime a tank gets penetrated


A lot of “bugs” in the community bug reporting section get tagged as “submitted for suggestion”.

Because they are not bugs. Bugs are unintentional errors. This is not unintentional.

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The bullets and volumetric armour must also be reviewed. It cannot be accepted that shots like that are not a penetration. I have even seen bullets with 350mm penetration rebound off tanks with 10mm armour.

Why should your opinion on this matter then?

this is a change for tanks if you didnt notice