[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

So groupthink?

The funniest part is how many unskill players says that current oneshot from APHE is absolutely skillbased damage. And make it correct means make it unskill)))))))) 🤣


Exactly, if it was all 100-150k+ players then it would be much different

Turret I concede, but hull traverse kind of makes up for it.

It does suffer in cqc corner fighting maps.

Its job is to speed around the enemy team and take potshots from a safe distance like cavalry would charge into an exposed flank.

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and how does nerfing aphe fix poor ap spalling or shell shattering?

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Also I would like to mention that the old vote was only seen by players active on the forums, which is not representative of the WT community as a whole. This time around it was posted in a more visible and public area with a greater reach.

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“Re-Balance” (Change) of APHE. Gaijin still needs to fix AP most especially early APDS’s abysmal performance

Maybe idk by not making the problem worse? Might be a good start dont you think?

No it makes things more frustrating and annoying, which I do not want in my game, which I play for fun.

See when you say things like

When the vote for yes was 48%, that’s why people don’t believe or trust you when you say other things. Because they can see you don’t seem to mind lying to their faces.

The full changes equate to a nerf.


It equates to a bug fix.

It’s literally a documented bug.

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Bug fix.

Oh that’s tragic

I play mostly on the British And damage enough to get kills and receive fun.

Oneshot in every pixel is dishonest and boring.

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Volumetric makes sure it not a pixel shot ;)

It’s not a bug if the effect is intentional and part of the game design. The initial vote describes it as a ‘simplified damage model’ that is currently in use.

This is a nerf by every definition. Even if you want to call it a bugfix, it’s still a nerf, the two terms are not mutually exclusive.


If it were just a bug, it is something that would’ve been fixed without player input.

This is a suggestion. Not an actual bug fix. The game was developped with APHE working the way it currently does in mind, and now there is a vote to change that.

Not to mention that whether you consider it a bug or not, it still is a nerf.