[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

Gotta go fast! need that instant dopamine rush on cargo port!

So the opinion of 200 people vs that of 64.540 then.

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Then they can learn to shoot here, it only gets rid of the the dumbest weakspot the vehicle has.


I just wonder who would actually shoot for a not obvious spot instead of defaulting to the cupola bc thats the best they can do

“Big 3 main”
I have top tier in every nation besides Israel and Britain, simply because I don’t care about their tanks.

Don’t matter. 48.1 > 51.5?

I wouldn’t even call the comet’s mobility bad.

That tank is stupid fast. You can drive over 50 km/h even on shitty terrain, traverse your hull while standing in place, have pretty decent gun depression.

The only fault it has is lack of reverse speed which makes it suffering to use on maps that rely on corner fighting because even if you get the first shot off and even kill, the rest of the enemy team will show up and kill you as you try and reverse back to cover.

My only issue with the comet is the APDS disappearing from existence in places it should pen and deal damage.

I do prefer the avenger to the comet though. Avenger has almost comet like mobility, but has a full power gun that pens 170 mils point blank with just APCBC. Challenger is nice, but it’s a bit too tall to be comfortable with and sluggish.

Wow it’s almost as if players opinions can change, and that players have differening opinions.

Calling it greatness is severely overrating the changes.

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Maybe you weren’t around for the Old Forums, but 167 reactions was a HUGE deal in there. There was no opposition at all. Everyone in the Old Forums applauded this step forward, which was celebrated across all of the active community across all social medias.

The majority of old timers, veterans, active players, core players… supported this.

So I am sorry if I don’t care if a flood of new players who don’t understand the game and think War Thunder is a tank-themed CoD opposes the change because it increases “the TTK”, because “it makes it harder to play since now they have to aim better” or simply because some YouTuber told them that it would “ruin the game” and they didn’t stop and think for a second on their own.


“back in muh day”

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Been playing since 2016, i’ve been here for a while.

Panther D would be similar overall if it wasn’t for well AP being garbage on the comet

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What do you mean the vote was useless? The people voted overwhelmingly yes to test it, and I’m glad they care enough about us and respect us to give us the chance to test it.

Why are you so anti-consumer in your post? What do you have against War Thunder players and their voice?

No one voted yet because there hasn’t been a vote on whether or not to have the changes yet.

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Russian reverse, terrible turning speed, average acceleration. That’s pretty bad

It affects balance in the game, which cannot be solved easily.

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Forcing us to learn weakspots?? in a tank game? how could they


Thats true. But not every single war thunder player is going to see this change nor actively support for or against this

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And the people on the old forums aren’t the only players.

The vote there was only accessible to the people active on the forums, who saw it.

The vote here was available to everyone and publicly Announced.

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I hope you realize that people who spend hours/day on the forums is a very, very small subset of the playerbase, not “everyone”. Please don’t act as a ‘playerbase representative’, nobody elected you


but they didn’t