[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!


the ca lorraine and concept 3 are fine platforms


They are objectively bad vehicles with various issues.

I would honestly wager some of the hardest shots at low tier are with APHE anyways lmfao

funny how some of these vehicles suck because they get nuked by APHE penning the antenna

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You do realise it would likely go up in BR if it becomes much more survivable and harder to kill? Would you rather have it at 6.7 and cope with APHE cupola shots or at 7.0-7.3 and deal with more HEAT and APDS that can penetrate it everywhere?

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It has terrible mobility and abysmal gun handling paired with a mediocre reload.

Yeah shooting a vehicle that outclasses yours WILL be hard, so will be long range shots

I love how back in 2017, when this comprehensive bug report was made, it had OVERWHELMING SUPPORT from everyone. It was also widely celebrated across Reddit, the Forums, YouTube and social media.

In the Bug Report itself, for example, there are 167 reactions; only 4 of which are negative, making it 98% of the reactions in support of it, and only 2% of the reactions negative.

And now that we are on the verge of greatness after years of fighting to make the game better… suddenly there’s certain sections of players opposing it.

This would be funny if it weren’t sad.


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which is common at 5.3

48 is bigger than 52?

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I love changes, even if some find them to be bad. Id rather have something change now and then than play the same game for ages. See how air RB changed drastically throughout the years, same should go for ground and I think this change will make low tier much more interesting. Its boring playing in the same meta all the time.


Because there are legitimate issues with it???

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I second this

Only vehicle fitting this criteria would be the Tortoise, which would still have this issue.

Have you seen how often TTK was mentioned in the other discussions? Too many COD players in here.


The T-34-85 D5T has much better mobility, WAY better gun handling and about the same reload.

Ah yes so, 167 positive reactions out of how many tens of thousands of players play they game?


48.5 and 51.5