[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

Oh yeah, that’s how voting works lol.


Can we save the arguments until live server/game testing? We won’t get a full understanding of how the changes affect APHE by looking at protection analysis because that’s almost “best-case-scenario” (not 100% “best-case-scenario” because APHE and spall rng).
The main things that will suffer are most “low” caliber (under 88-90mm if you ask me) APHE shells with low TNT equivalent. If the change goes through, it would require what I would believe would be a MASSIVE re-balancing of APHE using tanks IF protection analysis is accurate (which it isn’t 100% accurate)
The thing that would make the APHE changes more bearable if the images being shared are to be believed, is buffing secondary spall to be similar to Solid Shot, which, if I remember correctly, is part of the APHE change plan.


I mean APHE currently is a crutch shell. I use it a lot but I can still admit that

However I’m not saying that everyone who voted no only did so because that, but I would wager that at least a considerable part of the no voters (10-20% at the very least) did.




I’m very excited to not be able to cupola shot an H1. Not to mention shot traps are gonna be significantly weaker. Very fun.

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Stona, to just make sure, the vote following testing will only implement the changes if a majority vote “yes”?

yeah sure, place the red arrow even higher, why not straight 90° from above since you can’t even deal with angles
shot 2024.09.03 16.37.51
shot 2024.09.03 16.37.59
shot 2024.09.03 16.38.12
shot 2024.09.03 16.38.19
shot 2024.09.03 16.38.25
Here’s your RC tiger height shot so you’re happy

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How many votes this time? You shared it the last time.

What you have on

What Spanish doesn’t have on

like at least have the same settings you two

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Exactly. Should just be tested in live custom and test matches for the best results, including volumetric and other environmental factors. Such as vehicle height difference

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Ah yes good platform, surely applies to EVERY ONLY-AP TANK INGAME. Couldnt be that there are other vehicles outside of the Cents and french autoloader. just makes me think of the Cromwell.

Still would not kill him. Explosions that small do not kill people unless they are pretty much sitting on it. The M67 grenade has 180g of Composition B, which would be around 300g of TNT equivalent off the top of my head, and that will pretty much only kill people through shrapnel.

Someone may be very concussed from being near an explosion of that size, but I doubt they would die without shrapnel.

The H1 is the absolute peak of vehicles that will benefit from this patch. It’s going to be unbelievable what it’ll be capable of when it gets the buff of being relatively immune to a US 75mm lol

That is only relevant for the automatic armor protection map.

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You mean it’s going up to 6.0 LOL

This setting has no impact on what they are testing. It’s only function is for the protection map tool, which they are not using.

I honestly hate how little people know about how to use protection analysis.

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Blame it on early APDS not being able to pen two plates. AP has no issues with that shot.


Oh does it? I swear it affected the normal mode as well
My b my b im wrong I barely use Protect analysis