[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

Correction, The moskals didn’t want it.

Practically all the non-cyrillic speaking community of WT wanted this change.

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We’ve already had a whole period of not being able to do that, same with the T95 cupola and such and none of that required a whole rework of APHE.

Tbf the cupola shot isn’t the ONLY thing that will make heavy tanks, tank destroyers and other vehicles become gods.
Tiger H1 is still going to be wrecked if there’s an enemy from the side or another tank that can penetrate its armor headon. No doubt its stats will improve slightly with this change

“”“”“early APDS”“”“”

Don’t even understand why people are using prot analysis when you should be doing it in a custom to get the effects of Vitality, which are extremely critical to forming an opinion of how this would function in an actual match and not just ‘in theory’

but its that platform that makes it bad right lmao

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It’s also important to note that the planned changes to secondary fragments (point 3 mentioned above) and the preservation of the warhead of APHE shells (point 2 mentioned above) will be introduced after the release of the Dance of Dragons major update with no vote for them. The parameters of segmented fragmentation areas (point 1 mentioned above) may be introduced based on the results of a new vote that we’ll be telling you about in the future.

Now this is stupid. Why hold a vote to nerf APHE but not hold a vote to buff it?

Why does APHE need a double buff even if it’s not getting nerfed? You should only buff it if the nerf goes through. It is already the best AP shell by far, it does not need to be double buffed if it isn’t nerfed at the same time.

Basically the way it works is that, when you use the protection map tool with that setting enabled, the projectile effectively gets shot from the height of your camera.

With it disabled, the projectile is shot at the tank in a perfectly horizontal line from the direction you’re facing.

For the actual crosshair, is has no meaning.

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Now you killed the IS-2 most of the times (even with questionable shot placements) by killing 3/4 crew members, and the other times, severely crippled it by killing 2/4 members while severely injuring the other 2.

Rework APHE suffers much?


The Tortoise might actually be usable and be a vehicle worthy of 6.7, before this would be an almost guaranteed kill of 4 crew members with PzGr 39/43 basically at any range which is why I have it set to 2km because the machine gun turret is so weak armour wise.


So maybe you decide to launch test of ARM’s as well?

Ah right, good to know thanks

The shockwave will be much more dangerous in an enclosed space. It doesn’t matter what is in open space. Despite that there is spall bouncing aswell which isn’t implemented

You could literally simulate this in ansys and will notice that someone 1m away wont have a good time. You could maybe survive but fight on? No way


Correction, The shitters wanted it

Practically all the bad players in the community of WT wanted this change.


Spall bouncing is somewhat simulated but it’s not to the degree of reality, and for the purposes of the game, it doesn’t really need to be. Many rounds perform horribly compared to reality because Gaijin just makes them generate the spalling of a paper straw.

Again, literally what I said. The bad AP-using vehicles suck because they’re a bad platform. Bad platforms will still suck with APHE. Just take a look at the VFW, M56 and Type 62.

nyenyenyenyenye skill issue, Aim better next time soil eater.

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Make tortoise playable? Nah, how about we add 1kg HE to each APHE instead.

Yeah surely because it wasn’t a change that would make APHE perform more accurate as it would in real life, nah it was just bad players coping

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what solid shot vehicles suck because of the platform