[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

Don’t ask for a vote if you intend to add that from the beginning.


Everyone should just test the changes in a Cutom/Testing Match then people can form a grounded opinion on this


And again, to what extent does buffing APHE help any other round? And what do you think makes all these vehicles you named soo strong couldnt be an ultra fast reload and or stabilizer at a low br. What about the vehicles that do not have those features, didnt know APCR was a meta round for them since the pen is soo good.



So what’s the point of our votes and feedback if you anyway doing whatever you want against it?

They pushed with dev server testing of the possible implementation of the option

The worst part of this thread is seeing people use aim analysis instead of actual gameplay, then going on to use US 76mm guns on Tiger 1’s front plate, where even complete solid shot consistently can 1 hit them. Then switching to a Panther’s gun and taking lower glacis shots on an IS2. Now put it in real gameplay conditions and show off 75mm US guns against cupolas as this is a significantly more common shot to have to make against people who know how to play their vehicles effectively.

they are great because they have auto loaders and speed the two best things around this br

I hate how everyone installs says that anyone against this wants to use a crutch shell.


Difference was so small that we have decided to launch test.


It is embarrasing that I have to explain this to someone who presumably knows what they are doing, but here we go:

And this is at point blank. At actual game ranges the trajectory would be even flatter:


Literally what I’m saying. They’re good because the platform is good, bad AP boxes are mostly bad because the platform is bad. It’s not an issue of AP vs APHE, it’s an issue of players not seeing the actual problem.

If this change increases the survivability of heavy tanks, I’m all for it.

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Just test it in a customs match

I would encourage people whose position this is to look at these screenshots again: link

We can’t see right now what it’s going to be like right after DoD, because dev is now being used to test the counter-nerf, so we really have no idea what day 1 of DoD is going to be like for APHE slingers and receivers exactly. But we do know, per OP of this thread, that right after DoD drops, until it’s nerfed somehow, you’ll be getting the equipment damage of the bottom pic AND the crew damage of the top pic. So any centermass penetrating hit with an APHE round WILL be an OSK, even more than now.

Do you really think that ability to nuke anything you face with a centermass hit that will result isn’t ALSO going to change a lot of BRs?


That’s chapter 2.

At greater distances, the spot that you’re trying to aim should be on the same plane as the armour piece itself too.

Gets bombed by a Wyvern lmao

Until those same heavy tanks get moved up in Br since they became better, which could happen.

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