[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

there has always been rng this isnt new

lets say 100 people vote, 51 say yes and 49 say no. If one person had voted for no instead of yes then it would be 50:50. You’re 1 vote away from a 50:50.


Now i want to experiment with this, although it could use your current crew’s vitality stats

APHE hasn’t been ‘buffed’ in many years, and many vehicles with solid shot are significantly better than their APHE-shooting counterparts. See 6.7-7.7 France as an example.

It’s great you’re concerned with balance, but I think you are missing the forest for the trees

Yes however you still need twice that many new votes to actually put it at 50%.

If one new vote shows up and votes in the minority, it will still be minority. It’s only if you change votes that this happens.

In other words, it’s a difference of 3%. 3% more people needed to vote “yes” for it to even reach 50%.


Democracy is awesome can’t we all agree!

It literally got buffed recently and I didn’t see no goddamn vote for that.

Right, don’t ask the playerbase permission to test something and when they say no you do it anyways because you don’t actually give a shit about what the community wants and you’ll do it anyways because what you really wanted to do is psychological manipulation to give them the illusion of choice as half of what Gaijin does is found in chapter one in Psychology 101 for dummies.

But … they did ask the playerbase and people voted…

Except it’s tens of thousands of votes, so suddenly it’s a difference of thousands of votes with a 3-point difference. As I said.

Not sure what you’re trying to argue when p-values exist.

tiger is objectively higher than IS
gnooooooooo you’re aiming from the sky gnooooooooooooooooo

Most AP boxes have significantly higher penetration compared to other vehicles at their BR. Furthermore, most AP boxes that suffer, suffer because of the platform (Comet, Concept, Avenger, …). Incredible how AP boxes become good when the platform is good right? The Lorraine 40t, AMX-50 TOA100, Surbaisse, AMX M4, Centurion Mk 2 are all great vehicles even though they have AP.
The buff to APHE was offered because they planned to do the test anyways. Nobody asked for these buffs.

I love how everyone is liking this post with screenshots USING THE ARMOR VIEWER WRONG to “prove” the point.

They have such a solid posture even though they don’t even know the very basics of the game, such as properly using the armor viewer.


Would be nice to view the votes for the previous Poll but its locked now

Plus do you actually know what makes france 7.7 so strong? Couldn’t be the 120 mm AP rounds with a 6 seconds reload. Could not be

Oh so I’m bad because I’m not afraid of having my crutch shell nerfed?

That is an interesting line of thought.

Tiger is higher than IS.

Tiger is not shooting IS from this angle:

Tiger is shooting IS from THIS angle, which is the one I already showed:


Neither do you, looking at your screenshots, and the most reliable testing is through customs anyways. If you’re going to try and argue your point, do it in a way that actually convinces people rather than just degrading them :)

yeah keep on aiming from ungerground my guy

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That’s literally not 101 lol, 101 is listening to the person and their issues, as they are real.

Thanks for proving my point