[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

trust Gaijin’s 100% trustworthy knowledge

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Regardless of whatever your opinions are on the APHE changes, to deny that Gaijin did not respect/listen to the popular choice on the vote is nothing short of delusion.

A 3% difference in polling is not ‘slight’, it is significant by every definition. There were tens of thousands of responses – this leads to a gap of thousands of votes that are ignored. It would be great if people could act like the adults they should be and at least acknowledge that, rather than defending Gaijin ignoring players again solely when it benefits them.

For the record, I voted to try out the mechanic (“yes”). After testing with it, I’ll be voting no against the change. Hopefully Gaijin doesn’t pull this stunt again and we actually get what we vote for.


Do you really expect them to think about it and not act like a raging hive mind?

Took a while until someone called me an x nation main. Have you ever heard of the concept of voting for stuff that makes the game fun?
I play all nations except Israel so calling me a main of anything other than fun vehicles is really funny.

I’m super hyped for 5.7 to feel like I’m fighting against spall liners with my APHE.

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I voted no and will vote no again. This change gonna screw up the br’s royally which will be addressed slowly and throughout many br changes that will bring mixed results, further messing up low-mid br’s.

This change was NOT needed. And it is NOT realistic. …It is as realistic as a Maus engine sound cutting off at 80 meters



I have already shared DOZENS of screenshots of post-rework APHE (76 and 85mm guns against Tiger, 75 and 88mm guns against IS-2) functioning perfectly fine and even one-hit killing many crews still. All you have to do is to, well… AIM.

APHE will not “suffer” after the rework. It will just be a NORMAL and actual shell instead of an ICBM.

Any more examples you want me to share while I am at the computer?


Well lets just see what everyone thinks of the APHE changes once testing is complete. Then an actual vote can take place

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you need to half that, as if 1.5% of people had voted the other way then it would have been an even vote


Was needed for realism because cupola 1shots were cheap. Wtf u mean not realistic

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Nice RNG we got there now


No, you don’t. A ‘difference’ is literally subtracting one value from another. Perhaps a little refresher on statistics is in order?

Maybe they can finally get moved up in BR where they belong

Then don’t ask the playerbase for permission to test something for them to then derail it and make it about something else, actually do the test and then ask the people what they think and what they want to change.


You know what most PVP games have? Fucking balance. The only thing I have seen so far is buffs to APHE and nothing else. If making 60% of vehicles unplayable bc they get outclassed by everything they face, I dont know where to see the fun in that.


A big problem about not having weakspots like cupolas is that stuff like the Foch, T95, Tortoise…etc are going to be practically frontally immune to anything at their BR, if the APHE changes are to be implemented.
If we move them up in BR, their armour then becomes useless as HEATFS and stronger APDS / APFSDS can pen them with ease. At least in this current state, their armour is pretty good, and it isn’t impossible to kill them from the front.

Let’s say 30% of Foch deaths are via the cupola, 20% from CAS, 40% from being flanked, and 10% from being outright frontally penetrated.
Now we remove the cupola weakspot for most conventional shells (due to the APHE rework), and now there’s a greater proportion of the Foch’s deaths being caused by CAS (which is not fun), flanking (which is fair game), and being outright frontally penetrated (which is also not fun). This is the same problem the Maus is facing.

Do we really want more vehicles to behave how the Maus does at the moment?


You are literally shooting at the tank from the sky GHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Try clicking from that angle, and then turn the camera to see it from the side. It’s literally coming from a helicopter. That’s not how the armor viewer works.


The funniest part about this thread is that nobody has been talking about crew vitality. Protection analysis doesn’t account for that


That is true.

However, I don’t know if protection analysis uses maximum crew vitality or minimum.

These changes are gonna mess with the balance so bad.

My one hope is that gaijin can actually balance stuff of the changes go live.