[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

I am going to check the queues… I hope I am quick enough to cancel before it throws me into some arcade thing…

I mean I could just leave before it starts, but I don’t want to be that player xD

There was so slightly differences, that we have decided to implement the option to test this.

Excited how gaijin do testing in this way. I’m really appreciate this.
Bombing because realistic game is becoming more realistic is just funny.

Or “no voters” Can also vote no because they prefer that gaijin spends Time on working on other features than this very change, im sry to Say you that they are also equiped with brain socno need to take these ppl like less than nothing person. Btw we will have what the most person want, not shit and also everybody is right if they justify

His reply.

But I agreed with this too. Game experience is why we all are here.
I can only wish to you know where the ridge of ideal balance between FUN and REALISTIC MECHANICS is. And share your opinion of the elements of the justice in WT. So it’s a best way.

Players, what could be more arcade than use AA vehicles against normal armored tanks fire them and won?

I feel tank battles are fun enough. Unlike the air battles where PVP is really hard.
In tank battles even a random player behind the wall can make you much feelings. And you can choose a way to attack several times. In ARB battles are quite fast and if you chosen “Some work here, then some work there and after that boom-zoom a pile of players.” your expectations (often) goes to garbage bin.


I found that APHE’s are unrealistic years ago before the Gaijin asked players for vote. As some expert in real life damage model I chewed some bad luck with WT. But I was continue play and still use it, explaining that making realistic shells is difficult and complicated, so that the fun of battles helped justify the oddities of chambered shells, and not the other way around. Sometimes even I wonder how I killed some person’s machine with only one shell. It’s too easy job. This APHE’s was added so far ago in times when Gaijin was begun to compete with WoT and realistic APHE’s wasn’t the target. Finally after all the years Gaijin tries to fix themselves shit. I see this game gets up from the knees. Don’t you?

What I was going to say is that some players could not take that they expected on, but another ones does. Hey man, do you voted no or yes? Gaijin simply can’t fulfil all the expectations, so it’s up to developer.

Better of making it so that the crew just bails at that point. In no logical fashion is anyone going to say in that tank after watching three, possible four members just get turned into stew chunks. Even if just two are hit in a five person tank, let’s just simulate it as a bail. We wouldn’t want to cherry pick what realistic aspect we want and don’t want.

I managed to do it! And, as I said, the numbers speak for themselves; RB is definitely WAY more popular than AB:

There are HUNDREDS of people more queuing up for RB than they are for AB, across both Ground and Air modes.

So, as I said… Realistic modes are the most popular in the game! :P

forgets that AB’s matchmaker is mixed lmao


AB doesnt rely on nation-based MM, which contributes to lower players in queue- because more are ingame. There is some actual data on the playerbase numbers I can dig up, gimme a sec.

This is from back in '21, but I think it is the most recent data available.

Above 8.0, RB is more popular where stay undetected is better than armor, but from 1.0-8.0 Arcade. Now you catched the moment when more players waiting in RB but not counted the started match which reduce the number of waiting players… that was the reason why this pictures able to give us false feedback.

Not to talk AB match maker mix nations not separate them into team like in RB case. This also reduce the waitning time.

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If Arcade is indeed more popular, then I feel that’s all the more reason for running a separate poll for

Arcade players, Realistic players and Simulation players and even damage models as a consequence.

We already have different flight models across different game modes, why can’t we have different damage models for ground as well? We already got different repair rules too.

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If you look at all the replays, you will see that AB has more battles that show up when compared to RB. This data from 2021 shows that AB is much more popular than RB.

It’s just that RB players are more likely to be active in the community.


Pretty sure the test will be a while yet, certainly not starting tomorrow. So we will have to live with the buffed APHE we’re getting tomorrow for quite a while.

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The base FM is actually the same, it just gets a flat buff applied- same with engine HP, though iirc that may vary on vehicle type (Panther LT go wheee)

I guess it’s a case of “With enough thrust, even a brick flies” leading to the feeling of UFO behaviour then.

Yep. Its honestly very fun, and leads to wacky things like the panther LT.

Well, the replay thing isn’t indicative without an absolute number (preferabily of players, not battles, since these are just shorter on average, so, for all we know, it could just be more but shorter matches with fewer players).

And the 2021 thing was done through the same replay process, by a single person, too.

Now- I know ThunderSkill is not 100% reliable, but it’s one of the few actually larga data pools we have available; and, as such, it displays +7x times as many battles on most vehicles’ RB queues than the AB ones; even with a 100% margin of error, the tencency seems to have a large enough distinction to offset even such hypothetical margin of error.


You have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about lmao

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If that were true, WHY, would be my question.

doesn’t thunderskill only collect data when a players searches a username?

Yes. Also explains the vehicle stats like kills per match/kills per death which are far above what the average player achieves.