[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

Give proper sim matchmaking and limit captured vehicles and I’m down.

I havn’t had a chance to do ground sim yet, but even in air sim I found captured vehicles annoying. See a yak in my p-51C, fly multiple minutes pinging the map and “Follow Me!”, no response. Get my guns on them and the blue nametag shows up.

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My reaction when quoted person is in shambles because of being confronted with facts.
You say the shells will be like real with this simple fix. Fact is, they won’t. This is a half assed attempt of gaijin making the game “chance dependent”. Notice the random damage spread on shells? Ye wot has the same thing but with damage numbers, not a big difference is it.
If you did your research you’d notice that the points you support are off the truth by a country mile: https://youtu.be/EtcRMThYZHg?si=__n8WmIUS7ME0NBq
This is the basic thing that is ACTUALLY REALISTIC. Notice a difference between gaijin proposed aphe and THIS? Spoiler: the video simulation is the REALISTIC one. You should’ve known since you obviously play a lot of mid tiers, especially in the way you proclaim yourself to be a top tier enjoyer.


frankly, I don’t think 99% of people actually notice, or even cared about it prior to any large scale mention.
For instance I think most people would consider a game like DCS more realistic, even though it tends to lack pretty hard in the systems design (e.g. RNG countermeasures, missiles will guide toward the pilot and not the engines, etc). So I honestly do not get this as an argument for most people who have joined wt.

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turns out you can convince people of a lot more than you actually have when you have clickable cockpits

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Gaijin’s proposed APHE is still closer to this simulation than the current state of APHE, where it penetrates and causes a 360º anti-matter explosion that kills everything inside the vehicle, no matter where it hits.

The penetration causes a cone of shrapnel, and then, the detonation causes a second cone. Not a 360º sphere. Even if Gaijin’s Work-In-Progress proposal is not yet entirely accurate, it still revolves around cones, and not black magic spheres.

In fact, if anything, Gaijin’s proposal is STILL too spheric. There shouldn’t be projections perpendicular to the shell’s trajectory at all, as the simulation you linked shows.

80% accurate is not 100% accurate, but it’s still better than 0% accurate.


I’d say it’s an arguably good showcase of different sim goals.

Some flight sims emphasize instrumentation to provide people a chance to train for IFR certification or just mess around with IMC flight (I’ve spent a while obsessively trying to learn how to land a plane using purely an analogue CDI/ILS and radio beacons) potentially at cost of realistic models and whatnot.

Others emphasize mission design over instrument panels. Others are obsessing over as realistic flight models as possible.

Closer? As close as the current one lol. And if using approximations the earth is flat yes?
You can call it a horse but if it has wings and 12 legs wouldn’t you prefer to call it an abomination?
See, i can have that creature in my head as much as you have the proposed real aphe in yours and they’d still be as unreal as possible.
Edit: nice edit. Too bad the point still stands.

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I think the best course is to send Gaijin constructive feedback to help them model APHE as best as possible.

Right now, Gaijin’s horse has wings and 12 legs.
However, their new horse proposal has wings, but just 4 legs.
We just gotta make them remove the wings and it will be a perfect horse; but even if they don’t remove the wings from the horse, a horse with wings is still more of a horse than a horse with wings AND 12 legs on top of that.

As I mentioned earlier; 80% accurate is not as good as 100% accurate, but it’s still better than 0% accurate. And hey, if we can accomplish a 100% accuracy by working together with the devs, even better!


Surely they’ll read this garbo thread will they lol. Just like they did with the RP bonuses.

Issue, ever seen them pull the 80% up to a 100? Especially with the recent gimmicks? Gimme a break. We’re not operating a damn 16 qubit computer to be stuck in the middle of some crap. One or the other, I’m sure you’ve lived long enough to learn about how bad a half assed job is have you?

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But the fragments from the thinner armor have more velocity and are more deadly.

Not this one… for the better xD.

But they said they would make an actually heavily moderated feedback thread once the test hits the Live build. We must do our best there, and, since it will be moderated, thankfully there will be no room for spam, off-topic or dramas there.

Even then; I think 80% is still better than 0%. None is 100%, but 80 is definitely closer than 0…

We have examples of this ingame; volumetric armor and shells would be one of them.

Sure, volumetric’s flaws can lead to a few frustrating moments and polishing it is long overdue; but even at its current state, most people would agree it’s still better than that the pre-volumetric era where shells were a single pixel and armor was a single pixel-sized sheet.

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Yep! See, this is why I like it; even from a gameplay perspective, the “wider but weaker cone” vs the “narrower but more powerful cone” is interesting. More so than “any pen anywhere is a sphere of instant death”, at least.

This already happens when it comes to AP: overpens cause more damage on a narrow area, bur barely any damage outside of that; close pens cause weaker damage on a wider arc, and then there’s a perfect thickness sweet spot where damage is maximised on a decent cone with maximum spalling.

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Anyway; I would wager “Dance of Dragons” will be released tomorrow; and along with it, APHE tests and its respective moderated thread.

I will see you there! I am sure it will be a constructive and positive experience. o7


Voting no regardless of the test. Will have to make sure to get the word out to not vote in a nerf.

I’m just thinking about it…

In testing phase after the vote that was fast that confirm this modification already done in earlier … but let see how it will work… not deal shapnell from targets frame like normal AP just pen on that like a laser shot without less or small number shrapnells.
How You’d Escape From a Burning WW2 Tank - YouTube
APHE Detonation Behind the Armor (youtube.com)

Some question/comment, which come into my mind:
APHE pattern they missed the lot of shrapnels from from penetration caused damage it would be same as a non APHE ammo case.

This change, stops fragments from hitting Tiger loaders on cupola shots.”
This change a bit unrealistic.Crew member sit close to each other and if not the shrapnels the pressure and exploded caused heat kill and wound them.

Also it able to happend: when the APHE penetrate the cupola and stopped by the opposite part of cupola is trapped. Based on fuse delay it able to start falling down and explode in tanks turrent, not in cupola…
especially when hit the cupola lower part… or in this case also not able to knock out loader and other turrent crew member?

Explosion caused sharpnells and other shrapnells able to deal multiple ricochet inside the tank. This implemented?

Explosive caused toxic gas added? Harmfull for crews…

Every shell deal different number and size sharpnells that also implemented?

Explosive caused heat which able to ignite tanks inner parts and crews cloths impelmented?

Explosive casued pressure removed?

…without the mentioned details, this change not a realistic change, it’s a nerf… if it added into the game an another nail into Warthunder’s coffin… thats my point of view.

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lol no, actually
AB is actually more popular then RB, a fact that most people tend to conveniently ignore.

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That’s true i agree with you. A small number of player base join forum to discuss topics give feedbacks and try to help development with in they free time. If the modifications based on small number of players experience and suggestion, especially if this modification is huge it will able to cause negative experience for the player base and we got some dramatic leaver and much more number silent leaver and it able to reduce players number… more waiting time in different game mods…etc…

That’s impossible!

I would check myself the Air and Ground queues, but I don’t want to risk being dragged into an *rcade match in case it throws me in before I can cancel xD

No, it is possible, as you need to download EAC to play anything else. So it’s probably the people who aren’t online/don’t follow the news(and definitely didn’t download EAC) etc.

As AB is the only game mode you can play unless you download more stuff.

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It isnt :3
AB only has queue issues in like
one place, and thats 7.0+ air- though that does not indicate less players, as AAB matches take significantly longer. Our playerbase is vast… if really quiet lmao (Excluding vowel man, of course)