Following the Roadmap: Voting to Test our Proposed APHE Shell Changes



Thanks,very kind of you.

Yep, shelf it and propose again another time

So it is a no then? That is some serious lack of trust in Gaijins developers to get it right and a belief that more nonsense is to come if they go ahead with it.I do agree ,I wish they would leave the game alone.Every update destroys something.

No testing. IDK if they will propose it “later”. The other thing I didn’t understand it’s that if you (and other peoples) known it was about a test for the new mechanic


Or “no voters” Can also vote no because they prefer that gaijin spends Time on working on other features than this very change, im sry to Say you that they are also equiped with brain socno need to take these ppl like less than nothing person. Btw we will have what the most person want, not shit and also everybody is right if they justify

Did they already start testing this change? KV-85s APHE feels like a wet fart right now…

No, they will do an event before, and if it’s made it would take lot of time to do it. Also we dont know yet what is the final result


I think it has more to do with people wanting APHE to stay OP.


OP compared to what? It has always been the same since I started playing.Just leave it,fix something that is broken


Ppl often start seeing problems that never troubled them when someone ask if there are


This is an easier (and already mostly done, going off the screenshots and work shown) fix compared to a lot of the others.

People are acting like it would actively take away from dev time, but it seems mostly already done. It’s really wasting time not to vote to test it…

Nop, gaijin itself says that if the the vote results in the test dev, it would take a lot of time to prepare, ppl are not acting like it would, they readed it would


At the end of the article

Time, but not work…

And I’d presume those preparing the testing servers would not, in fact, be the same ones who’ve prepared the actual changes.

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This would be sensible in any other game but it just shows how low faith in the games Desv actually is.Everybody is too scared to even try it and I understand why.Hardy anything they have done with this game in the last two years was of benefit to anybody as far as this forum goes.
They messes with the maps and look what happened.

Being apprehensive is fine.

Being too scared to even test? That smells of either extreme paranoia, or fear that an overpowered toy may be put in line with the others…


It will take significant time, idk what do you understand, maybe you know how to Split yourself ? Lot of time includes lot of work and i dont think the developpement would finish with dev looking all the day on their screen. These guys were also working on something, and they would surely work on something else when the’ll be done

I can’t disagree but that extreme paranoia is all Gaijins work.It is the mood they have created and the amount of trust they have at present.

I would be most happy if they did not touch a thing ever again.