[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

Maybe I’ll call you when 95% of your posts aren’t targeted at a single Forum individual. ^^

See you around! o7



I am known to have been extremely critical of Gaijin and War Thunder’s issues for years, often expressing said criticism in very strong ways (sometimes excessively strong)… only to now be called “Gaijin shill”, this is peak comedy at this point HGAHJAJ


“I want the game to be fast paced. I don’t want to repeatedly shoot the forward drive train of a tank that barely exposed itself around a corner, barely taking out the driver/MGer with my spalling” (read any of the posts by Chihuaha)

We have people literally arguing from an Arcade game mode point of view.

Which is why I think there should be a separate vote for Arcade, Realistic and Simulation modes.


Just a few examples of this, from this very thread;

Honestly- for all I care, they can turn Arcade Battles into a permanent tank-themed “CoD: Shipment” event if they want, with their “tanks on caffeine” physics, their fast-paced gameplay, their cupola trickshots and whatever they like.

But keep that off Realistic and Simulator Battles. Most of us joined War Thunder because of its unique, incredibly well crafted middle-ground balance of arcade gameplay combined with realistic physics, ballistics, damage models and armor modelling.


I would 1000% support this rework going to just Sim battles. But not for Arcade and Realistic Battles. APHE is fine as is.


Realistic ought to be, well, realistic, as its very name suggests as well- keep APHE as it is on Arcade (plus as many arbitrary shell changes as desired for “proper arcade gameplay”), while keeping realistic shell models on Realistic Battles and Simulator Battles, and we can call it a day.


Took three posts to dig out the WoT strawman again to describe a mechanic that has been in the game for as long as tanks have been around, but go ahead and complain about the poor reasoning of others. Can’t make it up, zero self awareness.
Also apparently we’re back to “realism” (it’s questionable of this is even more realistic in the first place) as primary argument again. Apparently “realism being the least of the concerns” is not suitable as line of reasoning anymore considering you failed to follow through on responding to the arguments made in that regard.

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I literally changed “WoT” to “CoD: Shipment event” one minute, ONE MINUTE after writing the original comment. How fast are you to jump into replying my comments… that you replied to the very first iteration of it before I instantly edited it with a better premise?

For God’s sake… this is not healthy. I am beginning to worry, I mean it.


neither are even close to being analogous with warthunder in it’s current state


There’s precedent for this already.

Air Arcade: Has UFO-like flight models, everything is super powerful. Prop hanging is possible with almost any plane. Stalling is practically impossible. Damage models are super forgiving and you can basically fly with half a wing with very little effort.

Realistic Battles: Has best-approximation hard-coded/look-up table flight models based on available information (which may or may not be accurate), with full-sim flight characteristics present but dampened by presence of a super fly-by-wire system known as “Instructor” making it very hard to stall or otherwise kill yourself through stupid maneuvers. Instructor helps a lot keeping even severely damaged planes flying by compensating for you.

Sim battles: Best-approximation flight models, no FBW unless your plane had it in real life. Very easy to kill yourself with the right plane and the wrong control input. Landing a significantly damaged plane back on the runway is an achievement to be proud of.


And you wouldn’t have edited it had your short term memory not kicked in and realized you just got called out for things like that fifteen minutes ago. Give it a day and you’ll do it again, just like you did before.

Also funny you think that even makes the statement any better. Besides neither of these games being comparable it’s you that’s advocating for a change, leaving things as is is by definition the conservative option that doesn’t change the game.


Let’s try this just once more:

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Except for 45 second repair times, magically healing crew, internal components working flawlessly, IFF tags and systems, third person views, being able to turn off grass and not being forced to use the gunner sight but instead the magical barrel sight, the ability to turn down engine noises, there’s no crew abandonment after a shell just reduces your driver or commander to chucks when that wouldn’t almost always been the case. Realistic battles is really…realistic.


Because this has been an issue that has been needing addressing and correction ever since its inception. One of the few things that could have been improved and that, finally, we are getting the chance to do so.

Countless bug reports, including one of the biggest ones I can think of yet, from 2017:

So I will not stand aside while I see people like you throwing away our golden chance to have this issue addressed at last.

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Honestly I’d welcome a change that blackened components can only be repaired to yellow, and only a limited number of times. Maybe repairing on a captured point can full-restore

It’s a bit dumb how you’re better off having had your engine completely destroyed and then repaired, than it taking some damage in terms of long-term performance.

Please point out all mentions of positive gameplay changes the APHE rework would introduce made by you in the post in question:

I can see none. I can however see:

  • comparing the game to WoT/CoD: Shipment, a polemic attempt to draw an analogy to less realistic games
  • implying most people joined War Thunder because [marketing statement with list of realistic things]

Also since you’re already digging out your old quotes, please include the one where you say that “realism is the last of the concerns” in response to a post saying that this is a gameplay decision first and foremost. It saves me the work of having to do so after seeing you spend your next 5 posts talking about nothing but realism, which is how these exchanges with you usually go.

That does not address the point raised at all. You are advocating for a change. Leaving things as is does not make the game less realistic. It doesn’t matter how many old forum topics you dig out. It was never implemented.

the entire tank is just made out of nanomachines trust


At this point, just have Arcade Battles and Sim Battles. I’d actually be for that. You can either play with Arcade settings or Sim settings.

War Thunder is no arcade game, in the same way it’s no simulator.

It is a middle ground that combines elements of both. In RB’s case, it’s 50-50; while in AB’s case it veers off more towards arcade and, in SB’s case, it veers off more towards simulation.

Suggesting that we should completely disregard realism because “repair times are not realistic” makes as little sense as suggesting that we should completely disregard all arcade elements just because armor models are realistic.

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And at that point, you would be killing off War Thunder’s most popular game mode and main selling point, which is the perfectly balanced combination of arcade and simulation elements found in Realistic Battles.

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