[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

To be fair, it is rare but not never. In terms of ground rb, they have removed maps, gamemodes, and even mechanics.

I do wish they went back on map changes but i can only hope.

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Map changes is the issue everybody complains about yet they spend their time on messing with the ammo we have had as a standard for the last 8 years or more.
Now my 3 years of knowledge regarding ammo behavior is about to follow my 3 years of map knowledge into the bin.
Getting to know this game must be offensive to the devs. Maybe all they want is newbies to survive and the rest of us to leave.Who knows?


And the Tigers. But that’s just responding to half the point raised. This change would not be a significant nerf to straight line APHE damage, in some situations it will even be a buff. Heavy tanks (or tanks with strong frontal armor profile) can usually pen the center of mass, or close to it, of medium tanks they face. The inverse is not true. A Panther or T26E5 will still shoot straight through the upper front plate of an M4A3 (76)W or T-34 85 and oneshot it while mediums have to rely on tiny weakspots that, to a large extent, would deal less or no damage.


I won’t have an issue with this if they also remove the physics defeating orb of death. It should create spalling upon penetration but the damage should still be in a cone even after round detonation. This way APHE is still powerful but it isn’t the BS that we put up with at the moment.

Engine bay APHE deaths need to go.

I’m glad that nearly all of the people have talked to about this outside this forum are universally against it. And they’re also pissed off Gaijin just disregarded the 52% majority. A lot of comments in the English content creators videos on it are also pissed off too. Gaijin should’ve just accepted the 52% and called it good. Because now we still don’t have to bother with a test but are going to vote no anyways.


Where have you been looking? Because at least on Reddit and Discord, the majority of people are in favour. Just look at the comment sections:



(Note how people, in real time, were also able to detect the vote meddling in favour of “No” that led Gaijin to announce the implementation of anti-bot/fake account votes for the next votings).

And even comments that are against this change are backed up by extremely poor reasoning, like “because I don’t trust Gaijin will rebalance BRs afterwards” (also one of the main points of the YouTubers who are against it) even though Gaijin specifically stated they would.


We can go onto Google and search for what we want to see. Reddit is full of debate both for and against and some good points raised ether way.

Many seem happy to lose the cupola exploit but are concerned that Gaijin are trying to force a face to face charge what with frontal damage buffs and narrow maps.

It seems suspicion is high when it comes to Gaijin. Not much trust.

Still taking the loss in stride I see. Literal “stop the count” conspiracies.

Extremely poor reasoning like not knowing which weakspots this will affect, or cheap polemic attacks claiming that people who don’t want to throw a decade of precedent and balancing overboard want this game to be WoT?


Ah. How nice to check in on this thread and see that it is still in shambles. Wonderful.

Extremely poor reasoning like “b-but what if Gaijin decides not to re-balance afterwards even though they specifically stated they would!!!1’1?”, AKA useless whataboutism that leads nowhere and that, if it were to be the default mindset, would stop any form of progress.

I can see you are still active on duty doing your… thing. Not even 12 minutes after I post one comment here and you are back to shit on me almost instantly lmao. This is weird.

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why did you reply to me? did you mean to reply to SPANISH_AVENGER?

“A small fraction of my posts”? I literally can’t say anything without you spawning in with the “muh Tiger E cupola” thing from 8 days ago, even though I spent several hours trying to explain to you things in vain.

Also, I am not spreading propaganda, I am sharing my view the exact same view you, or anyone else does and can. And you will not silence me- in fact, the more you try to silence me, the more and the harder I will do my best to be as loud as possible.


Mainly Discord and YouTube. About 110 or people in three servers that I play WT with are against it. (I understand that’s my experience too).

There’s still been no official proof of this. They’re saying they will improve the voting system but they did not flat out say the vote was meddled with.

That is a completely valid reason that you just don’t like. I also don’t trust them to rebalance vehicles. Mainly because we can’t trust them to run a vote. 48 is a smaller number than 52, not to mention the vote was open for three hours after the expiration time.

If this was done correctly; 1) the 52% would’ve put the whole thing to bed. 2) what test there is should run for the end of the year until Gaijin has enough data to roll out the change (if the yes vote gets it) alongside all the appropriate BR changes at the same time. Not one then the other.

The only silver lining here is it sounds like Gaijin wants a 55% or higher “yes” vote or this won’t get implemented. That they will not implement it on a 51%-52% yes.

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Yeah, misclicked.

People that lie need to be corrected, especially when they’re obsessed and write hundreds of propaganda posts. You wouldn’t have had to spend hours in an emberassing, failed attempt to wind yourself out of the situation had you just admitted you made a mistake and didn’t know the Tiger Es cupola could be penetrated reliably by the US 76.

Yes, writing hundreds of posts is obviously perfectly normal behavior. The funny thing is that the content creators you cry so much about spent orders of magnitude less time on their videos than you do here.

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Not really at all.

If I recall correctly, there were 65,000 votes. 49% “Yes” means 31,850 people wanted to see this. Gaijin can’t just go and spit on the face of 31,850 people.

That’s why they said that, for the next vote, they will require a REAL majority (AKA +66%) to make a decission; be it implementing the changes, or not implementing them, and I think it makes sense.

The testing is just an attempt at clarifying the matter further so that the next vote may be more decissive than making a decission over a 1% difference that would lead to turmoil within the community.

This vote was meant to probe the level of interest on the community, not to screw over at least half of the whole playerbase over a 1% that may not even be legitimate after all.

Remember, the reason why tests are necessary is that God knows how many people were in this situation:


So many people afraid that “Gaijin would break it” or “nerf APHE into uselessness” that they voted “No” even without wanting to give it a single chance or thought. But when they try it out, turns out it wasn’t so bad after all….

There is literally no harm in running tests.

If the majority of the community is TRULY against the changes, then they will earn a majority of votes for the “No” option next time. But after the testing that opened many people’s eyes and with Gaijin’s anti-fraud measures, I don’t think this time it will be so close.


Have you considered that it might be just your bubble?

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You can do whatever you want- I, for one, won’t be wasting any more time replying to you.

Yes, like the hundreds of posts you have written about mUh TiGeR e CuPoLa’S thing every time I’ve made an appearance on this thread during the last week. Now THAT is unhealthy.

My only mistake was not to ignore you from the beginning. I thought I could reason and explain things, but it is obvious it is not possible in this case.


I would agree with not for the majority of comments in the English CC’s videos. You find all of the same reasons.

  1. APHE is fine as is.
  2. Realism =/= fun.
  3. Don’t trust Gaijin to implement it (clearly they can’t even host a poll/vote correctly).
  4. Buffs some vehicles to an OP position and nerfs some vehicles to a terrible position.
  5. Doesn’t trust Gaijin to rebalance the affected vehicles. Was actually just following up with a CM on the attacker aircraft issue. They moved them up but didn’t give them their better spawn point. Doesn’t help the argument “Gaijin will rebalance them, just trust me bro”.
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You thought you could lie yourself out of the hole you dug. Thankfully you let everyone know that you speak perfect C2 english and wrote unambiguous, clearly worded statements in a discussion explicitly stating the exact gun and type of tank, so that’s not possible.

Call me when I get to 10% of your posts.

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I’ve always just assumed the individual was a Gaijin shill. A lot of the posts they make give that vibe something fierce.