[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

so LESS then HALF of the active players is see in the Garage on average.

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Why why even do this you’ve made everything that uses aphe abysmal what is your malfunction you guys never play your game clearly I really really really want to call you profanity words and speak ever so rudely you never have made me so mad about changes even tan sam changes didn’t make me this mad even m735 changes hell even the zero changes but this? This is abysmal it’s absolutely atrocious you think it’s okay to push these changes forward I’m never playing anything below 8.0 again

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Honestly pretty good gameplay changes so far.
I hope you do shift the BR around with the implementation, since now current overperforming APHE shots on small calibre tanks will be suffering since uptiers to them relied on cheap shots.
Either Decompress tank BR, or shift the uptier-dowtier values from 1.0 to 0.7 max

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Ruin the maps and the current BR as well.Lets all change our line ups.

How about Gaijin dont? If anything needs changing it’s the level of Stalinium. I just bounced a shot from a T95 off an IS3 twice from twenty feet away : )

So how do you know that it isn’t and how do you know what it should do?
Most of the talk is about making APHE less effective where as most of us are baffled by it bouncing off armour it should penetrate easily.

For all of us who have access to the dev server what are the findings?

Changing brs and lineups isn’t a good point against the change unless you 100% believe the game is perfect as is, which I doubt you do


and this is why they ignored a slim margin vote, because most of the No votes were by people that give in to sensationalist garbage and didnt even bother moving a slider around on the announcement page. Good job gaijin, for once. lol


its a buff. The only time the new aphe is worse is when you shoot the commanders hatch or really bad angles that have no components in them.
And they are modeling this off technical documents found from both the soviet union and USA on the results of their APHE testings.


I disagree completely. I would say that the game is not perfect but that is not down to APHE over performing. All APHE does is bounce off occasionally in a baffling manner, It does not warrant a complete change of BR across every vehicle and destruction of everybody favourite lineups. Maps need sorting out as a priority.

I cant think of a single change that was needed or improved the game over the last couple of years.
Most of the updates have been to fix damage caused by previous updates and the last year of this forum has been has been mostly about how people hate those changes and them saying goodbye to the game.
I think a majority on here are tired of the game they know and love being messed about with.
It’s like chess ,it not about making the game suit the player its about the player getting good at the game over time.How can you do that when the game is constantly changing?

If you are so bored of the game that you want it changing then just go and play something else and let those of us who like it as it is enjoy it.

Multipathing changes

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No it was no vote because the player base wouldn’t trust Gaijin to change a tyre.

Why bother in a fantasy game?

You’re conveniently ignoring some of them believed the sensationalistic info youtubers and forum members put out about how “this will totally make APHE horrible!” because they can’t rely on cheap shots anymore


because War Thunder has a clear goal of being as realistic as possible


“Why bother in a fantasy game?” just answering your question lmao


That’s hilarious.

Non answer, have a good day


You need to quote what you are referring to then

So the fact we have no era separation ,no nation vs nation and play 1980s MBTs on WW2 maps with prototypes that never saw a days action has gone right over your head?

Physics simulations, British tests, British and American casualty reports over WW2.

Essentially, conservation of momentum. Shell has forward momentum. It loses some of it as it enters the crew compartment, but it is still travelly at supersonic or near supersonic velocities.

The shell fuses. Radially, an explosion occurs that fragments the shell.

3 critical cases can be examined:

Shell parts that are travelling away from the explosion (forward): These become accelerated by the explosion.

Shell parts that are travelling towards the explosion (rear): These become decelerated by the explosion, but will retain their forward momentum barring the shell getting stuck or stopped. This means only minimal fragments fly backward.

Shell parts travelling on the side: These keep travelling forward but in a wider dispersion.

Result: A very deadly cone of deadly fragments.

What we get in game: a sphere of deadly fragments.

Now for casualty data:

“A survey of casualties amongst armoured Units in N.W. Europe by Capt H.B. Wright RAMC and Capt R.D. Harkness RAMC” I’ve made a summary of post penetration effects of various German rounds, mostly 75 mm and 88 mm. I will refer to this document as “WO 205/1165 reports” or simply “WO”.

The document was put into digital data here:


@godman_82 has compiled the data from these documents into a google sheets you can find on the old forums: [0054325 & 0054326] APHE incorrect damage zone and fragmentation power - Documented Bug Reports - Windows - War Thunder - Official Forum (I’d link it directly, but last time around it broke the new forums).


have an Ansys-powered simulation of an APHE shell:

I wish the simulations included their input data and whatnot, but…
Even in academia you need to literally beg research groups to please include their input files as ESI during peer review so… meh.