[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

This is what you actually have.A baffling mess that will take numerous updates to sort out and cause a huge outcry of complaints.

Even the guy testing it cant find and consistency when it comes to cupola shots.
I agree with removing the silly cupola cheat as it negates a heavy tank being a heavy tank but then it replaces the old system with a new set of crazy physics which presumably Gaijin will spend the next 12 years trying to get right.

Leave it alone.Better that devil you know.

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I went to gunnery school thanks and very little that this game offers has anything to do with reality despite you maybe thinking it does.You need to concentrate on what makes a fun game not having one foot in reality and one foot in total fantasy.
Do you really think the whiny player base are going to want to swap a simple cupola shot for having to go around and flank a tank they cant pen frontally ? And how will they do that when one guy is changing APHE and another is making the maps narrow and tiny?

Secondly ,why bother losing the Cupola shot when you can just stick a round right through the center mass with the new update?

Just change the maps back to what they were and focus on new fun things instead of trying to spend the next 12 years making this new change work.

My point overall is the only way for an ex tanker to enjoy War Thunder is to forget reality and just enjoy the game for what it is. Nothing I learned in my time has much bearing on this game despite all these veterans making videos about tactics and War Thunder.

This game and forum seem to be controlled by people wrapped up in their own nerdiness
trying to throw their expertise at each other for likes and not even thinking about the game and how it plays and how its player base react to things.

Sorry I should have pinned all those in one post ,My bad.

Your example is someone that supports smaller one lane maps and actively cherry picked results, and somehow STILL couldn’t make the changes look as bad as he wanted them to be, lol

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That made no sense in English ,sorry.

Oh, apologies, what I mean is Dawg actively supports a very arcade style game with smaller maps

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The content creator linked.

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Missed that.Sorry.

Anyway ,go for it by all means but here’s to another few years of Gaijin trying to get it right.
Maybe I’ll see you 12 years time when we have another vote on reverting back to the old system : )

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I think the biggest problem is that the change the developers proposed regarding APHE shell explosion has nothing to do with these simulations.

They basically want to replace bigger static explosion for smaller static explosion with unrealistic gaps:

This is the comparison between the old and new explosion effect. In both cases the exploding shell is static and fragments from explosion doesn’t have the inertia. Which makes the proposed change even less realistic to be honest. It’s like an artificial nerf that has nothing to do with realism.

I mean, this is laughable:

This is what the devs proposed. The guys sitting in the back row don’t take much damage because the fragments that fly to the side are not pushed forward by inertia.

They want to replace one unrealistic system with other unrealistic system. Just watch the simulation you attached:

Keep in mind, these fragments are constantly moving (to the sides and forward) at very high speeds. Does the explosion cone effect in this simulation look the same as the developers proposed?


There is one caveat though - they intend to keep the penetrator head intact, much like for AP shells. From what videos I’ve seen, APHE retains its ability to rake through crew for frontal penetrations just fine, if not better than it already can due to getting through modules that’d have otherwise eaten the fragments.

I do not know why they chose to model it this way. Spaghetti I presume? “We already have a mechanism for AP shells, let’s re-use.”

I do admit I would prefer strongly if they basically took APHE spalling, and made it occur twice (once at penetration, once a distance into the crew compartment). That’d represent what happens better.


The issue in the game as opposed to reality is that in game the tank needs to die in a big explosion.
In reality it simply needs to be put out of action which can happen in a number of ways.
If you want to mimic reality then turn the repair system off. You have your breach ruined you are dead,have massive engine damage you are dead,lose a track ,out of the game.

War Thunder is Doom with tanks ,not a tank simulator.

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Btw, the solution I can think about is limiting the ability of crewmembers to switch roles. For example if commander will be the only one able to replace a dead gunner or driver, than destroying the tank will require killing just two of the three: commander, gunner, driver. Doesn’t matter if the tank also has two loaders, a radioman and whoever else, two crucial men die - the tank gets destroyed.

Before they revealed the details about this change, I thought they are going to do this. First make the shell to behave pretty much like the AP shell, plus an additional explosion that will create more deadly spalls. So it would be like two cones, one less and one more deadly. Something like this (look at the orange lines):

It would be simplified system of course, in reality there are a few more and less deadly cones (the simulation shows this). But even such simplified implementation would be fine in my opinion and it would definitely be more realistic than the current sphere. The shell would still be very effective, but less effective than currently.

The problem is, the devs proposed something else, something completely unrealistic, and we have no other choice but to vote for or against the change. What they proposed it basically a mess, it has nothing to do with reality.


The interior of a tanks is not an empty space it is a very cramped space and in WW2 cases dominated by a huge gun breach with the crew crammed in around it or under it.
WT’s post pen shots show a big empty space with a shell going all the way back to the engine and that is unlikely in either solid shot or APHE.

Gaijin would do better to abandon reality and go for consistency based on game expectation for example if a T95 fires at an IS3 from ten meters the shell doesn’t bounce of in a magical fashion.Like many I played so much this week end but has so many none penetration alerts while hitting Panzer IVs head on or having two or three shots bounce off an M10 that on nay other day would have gone through.

That is what needs fixing consistency.Or keep it the same but lose the silly cupola shots and make heavy tanks as formidable as they should be and make GRB more challenging but best of luck with that in a generation of whiny millennial’s who are fixated with their stats and kill counts.

The game is pretty good or we wouldn’t all play i ,its not that far off,it just needs tweaking not a major rework followed by endless updates trying to get it right.

I can’t play the dev server so I can only watch endless videos and it looks like we are out of the frying pan and into the fire which is what I expected.

Also the new changes seem to make the art of carrying less ammo redundant which was another choice the player had to make.

Gaijin just can not stop making APHE better then it should be 🤷‍♂️

is the dev server still open?

But they make WW2 armour better than it should be
Tiger I vs 17-Pounder Firing Trials -.

C2 English speaker here- you don’t need to apologise; your comment, although not native-speaker level (sure, it could use some tweaks), is more than perfectly understandable to anyone who is indeed fluent in English.

If someone thinks “it doesn’t make sense in English”, your writing is not at blame. ^^

You are doing great, specially taking into account that your mother tongue is entirely different! (assuming you are Japanese from your username). o7


He lost me completely ,you don’t need to make a fuss over it,we got there in the end.