[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

And we really need to put a stop to it.

Maps should be dynamic with opportunities to recognize your current position is hopeless and drive around to push through an objective that’s less defended to force the enemy to send tanks to the other side of the map to avoid losing due to ticket bleed.

And to navigate around objectives to set up ambushes as lightly armoured tanks are really not meant to be anywhere near where the enemy can see them.

This is exactly why I like bigger maps; not because I want to be a “camping sniper”; but because I want to have some room to stretch my legs, flank, maneuver and drive around when I need to, rather than being forced to smash my head head-on against others.

Compared to omnidirectional explosive spheres of death? it is more realistic

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What does that mean?

There’s no point in talking with you.

It’s not

Machine gunner’s hatch, not MG port.

Tiger I’s frontal hull armor is much more reliable than a cupola…

Unlike you, I position myself in such a way that I never meet angled Tigers.

All of these tanks are better than Tiger E. IS-2’s have slow reload for the current meta, but they are better.

Tiger I’s cupola is not an important weakspot lmao, that’s what I’ve been trying to say you the whole time.

Saying that Tiger I’s cupola is an important weakspot is like saying IS-1’s or IS-2’s cupola is an important weakspot. The only tank for which it actually matters is Jumbo 75.

That is a problem too, but the solution isn’t ruining playstyle variety as well.

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In H1’s case, yes, as @soviet_MoonMan said earlier. It is a typical weakspot for guns it can’t pen it otherwise.
In E’s case, not so much. Because if a gun can pen its cupola, it will, 90% of the times, pen much more relevant spots.

Is it possible? Sure.
Is it important and reliable? Not so much.

That is why it isn’t a “weakspot” in the traditional sense of the word, where a weakspot is understood as the only chance to damage an otherwise undamageable vehicle.

I love how I pointed out to at least 9 times I’ve openly admitted to being wrong off the top of my head and you still insist to push the narrative that “I never admit being wrong”. xD.

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Has this ever been stated anywhere?

Huh ?

ooOps, I mistook you for soviet_MoonMan for a moment there, my apologies! Editing xD

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Omg I can’t pen this tank, Gaijin pls nerf!1!1!!1!!1!1!


Tournaments and squadronbattles. You should try, but considering you rely on your enemies being blind as a bat and deaf you probably won’t enjoy that too much.

Only works against stupid and unaware opponents. We already had that.

By what metric? The Tiger E has better turret armor than the II (P) and the IS-2s. The IS-2 reload is completly crippling to trying to multi target engagements.

It is for people with decent aim. Examples have been posted in this thread. It’s can be penetrated reliably and is visible when other weakspots can be hidden. This is not a subjective question. If an exposed weakspot can be hit reliably and deal good damage it is by necessity important.

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My face when a jack-of-all-trades Medium Tank designed to be nimble and dynamic can’t ALWAYS frontally engage and kill a perfectly angled and positioned Heavy Tank specifically designed to be strong and survivable:



+Oh, my Heavy Tank was lolpenned.
-Just angle.


Think about the e-sports potential! War Thunder is clearly e-sports ready

You have been shown two explicit examples of ingame footage where the commanders cupola was the only available weakspot and was successfully engaged. That makes it by definition an important weakspot.

Still waiting for you to admit you were wrong about the Tiger Es cupola not being penetrable after you spent a dozen posts arguing that it isn’t for guns like the US 76.

You said you never hit a Tiger E’s cupola in 10 years of gameplay. So are you very bad at the game, or is it maybe just significantly harder than what the Tiger has to do in order to nuke the Sherman that’s taking potshots at it?

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Tanks without relevant frontal weakspots get moved up in BR until they have them, with very few exceptions.

So Gaijin never stated this, you’re just assuming they do it

I just never had any need to do it. When I face Tiger Es, I do so on IS-1s, T-34/85s, KV-85s, SU-85s, etc… which means I just yeet the hell out of their existence through their front plates, even at some angles; and if they are too angled, their side plates. Sometimes, even the mantlets. Why would I try to play some trickshot by hitting their cupolas when there is zero need to even consider it? Like that video someone shared before shooting at the cupola of a Tiger E to make a point… when they could have just shot at the flat UFP xD

I already said I misread 76 as 75, since my brain was still on the Jumbo vs H1 conversation that was unfolding simultaneously (and no, 75 can’t pen E’s cupola indeed). And when I stood corrected that it was 76 instead of 75, I clarified that, then, the point was different; since 76 can reliabily pen the tank in many other ways unless it is perfectly angled, in which case even the barrel or the mantlet are a better and easier bet than the cupola. But it’s not like you will care.

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It does at least explain the absurdity that is the swedish tech tree with remote controlled autocannons on 60s IFVs fighting interwar/early WWII tanks (PBV 301).

Or the Concept 3 time travelling to fight PZ IVs from the 70s.

Or the Ratel 90 time travelling with heat-fs to farm tigers for breakfast.

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And for the record, with proper decompression, I think, ideally, the Tiger Is would be 1 full step apart from even M4A3 (76)W; M4A3 (76)W shouldn’t be the same BR as the Tiger, it should only face it on full uptiers- and such re-balance will be more viable with realistic APHE; because OP APHE is what’s keeping many tanks higher than they should be, like these late Shermans. Because you just can’t have M4A3 (76) Ws slinging nuke APHEs at KV-1s and T-34/76s.

So, if anything, it’s OP APHE one of the responsibles for such compression and unbalance.

And, of course, no Sherman should ever face any Tiger II.

Tiger Is and the Panthers should be their “final uptier bosses”. And, with the APHE fix, maybe this will finally be a possibility.


Of course you had to insult me, couldn’t resist. Imagine playing competitively in War Thunder. I’ve got WOT for that.

I feel sorry for you, if you can kill only bad Tiger players.


Like I said, it’s arguably true, but I would still consider IS-2 to be a better tank. The Russian 122mm is just so powerful, Panther’s upper front plate is nothing for it.

So you always shoot cupolas. If you see an M41 in a Tiger you also shoot the cupola. Start shooting hulls, you’re missing out.

What a hilarious attempt to paint me as a bad player.

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You showed protection analysis screenshots of the US 76 mm in an attempt to prove that it can’t pen the Tiger Es cupola. You specifically said that the Tiger H1 would be equivalent to the Tiger E after this patch in being invulnerable to a medium tank’s gun if the change were to go through. Nowhere in this reply chain is the Jumbo mentioned, you specifically talk about the US 76 on the Shermans.

Killing crew is very obviously better than tracking or barreling. You got shown two videos where the cupola was the only available weakspots, where barreling or tracking would’ve done nothing. But cupola shots allowed for a kill.

The matchups are very playable currently precisely because the current state of APHE allows the Shermans to do so. Changing it does not hurt the tanks with heavy frontal protection at all, while it significantly reduces the ability of light and medium vehicles to fight back. Hoping for this to get fixed in a complete rebalancing of ~3.0-7.0 when Gaijin has done nothing in regards to decompression since forever is ridiculous. There are not enough tanks to decompress mid tiers like that anyways, what are the Shermans supposed to fight when Tigers and Panthers are gone? What are the Tigers and Panthers going to fight when they barely see Shermans anymore, Pershings and Super Pershings? Oh boy does that sound like fun.