[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

Why is that an insult? By your own admission you only engage targets that don’t see you. They can’t be very aware of their surroundings then, can they?

It’s not me that relies on my opponents being so bad at the game they don’t notice I’m there.

If only there was a way to still get kills with a little bit of decent aim instead of just clicking the center of mass of everything you see. Explains why you’re having such a tough time with cupolas.

Shooting close to center of mass is preferable. It however relies on your opponent giving you the ability to do so. Not counting on your opponent being stupid is prudent. Still being able to engage them when they do everything correct is the mark of a good player. Everybody can kill targets that misplay their vehicle.

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Vk 30.02 (M)s (proto-Panthers), Vk 36.01 (H)s (proto-Tiger, not yet ingame, but hopefully one day), KV-1Cs, T-34/85s, KV-85s, Comet Is, and many, many other counterparts- not to mention it would still come across Tigers and Panthers, just in full uptiers instead of regularly because they are the same BR; just like many other vehicles, and many more in downtiers, too.

This is a big issue being “solved” with a band-aid that brings many issues with itself. Rather, the best course would be to address to and fix the core issues, therefore removing any need for broken band-aids like OP APHE.

I knew you would still cling to that discussion and disregard anything I said, so… not bothering anymore. No matter what I say, it will never satisfy unless/until I fall on my knees begging for pardon for disagreeing, which I’m not gonna do xD.


Isn’t that like, the entire point of a lot of tanks?

If you get seen, you die because everything penetrates you thanks to overmatch. So you do not get seen.


I don’t agree with your take. M4A3E8 at 5.7 is exactly where it should be. Panzer IV H and T-34 1942 should be back at 4.3 again and you can’t have Panzer IVs or T-34-76s fighting Easy 8s as nearly equals. M4A3E8 and KV-1 ZiS-5 being at the same BR of 4.7 is insane.

A Sherman 76 is more than capable to take on a Tiger II as a full uptier. Tiger II has only slightly better side armor than a Tiger I, because it’s slightly sloped. However, Tiger II’s turret design allows you to kill it without even flanking it properly.



Of those german vehicles listed there are two in the game, and one of them is a premium. If you want change now you got to work with what you have, not with what could be maybe, if we get lucky, and will in all likelyhood never happen.

It’s long been solved with what you call a bandaid and what many others call a fun gameplay mechanic. Throwing a decade of precedent out the window in a half assed “fix” that will create massive balancing headaches that might not ever get solved is stupid. There are far easier things to do in order to even the post pen playing field.

A simple “I was wrong on that” would’ve been enough. That you’re incapable of that says a lot about your character.

Yeah xD.

I love it every time I come across someone who goes around insulting others, calling them “noobs”, stat-shaming, pulling out K/Ds, or old screenshots, or whatever…

I mean, it’s fine if someone enjoys playing War Thunder like it’s some kind of Olympics; but I just play this game because I’m a war machinnery enthusiast and I want to spend some time playing with cool vehicles on my free time xD.

I am a basic average player, and I don’t care about stats. I could “perform” MUCH better if I sweated my ass off and went full tryhard mode, but… I just don’t enjoy playing like that. I enjoy playing casually, so if someone wants to stat-shame me for not having a 173:1 K/D or a 110% WR, so be it; I will still be having fun while they are too busy hunting the perfect K/D and shaming others for not doing that too.

(For the record, this doesn’t go for anyone on this thread in particular, this is an off-topic remark.)


No, it relies on you working out an opportunity to do so. It’s like talking to a brick wall.

Point missed.

And what many others call a bug, which, by the game’s definition and standards, it is:

I am not suggesting a too drastic decompression; only by a factor of 0.3-0.7 for the most part, with some changes. That would be feasible with the vehicles currently ingame without causing any issues to matchmaking.

I already said:

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With good shot placement you’re, as of right now, able to kill almost everything you can run into. Of course not being seen is preferable, but someone has to go play for the objectives or you just lose the match. And even if you try to flank and avoid being seen, your opponents can do the same thing. Most heavies (or psedo heavies like the Panthers) aren’t really any slower than medium tanks. If you’re going up against capable opponents you will get pushed into a head on engagement at some point.

I didn’t suggest M4A3 (76) W and KV-1 ZiS-5 should be at the same BR at 4.7…

I said there should be decompression, so that M4A3 (76) W and Tiger E are separated to the same degree as M4A3 (76) W is from KV-1 ZiS-5 (being H1 a little lower as it is now).

As of now, without decompression, I think M4A3 (76) W should be 5.3, like A2. Even that would be enough, since it would prevent it from facing Tiger IIs, now both 6.7.

Uh… maybe (P)'s turret is vulnerable to the Sherman, but (H)'s is not, by far, and they are the same BR as of now. And even then, I think even (P) is too much for A3 (76)W.

See, everyone is bound to disagree, even while agreeing on different matters, hahah. It’s only natural, no two humans will ever fully agree on everything.

Disagreeing on something is not something that should led to a virtual Civil War, but some people don’t seem to understand that.


What should I do, use my psychic powers to force him to turn his tank? A capable player won’t throw his advantage away. Just like you try to move around (which often isn’t even possible) a capable player will adjust his position to account for that. And just like you are aware of your opponent a capable opponent is aware of you.


Use your keyboard. If you can’t, go play artillery in WOT.

Ever heard of being busy with something else? Your opponent doesn’t have to be clueless for you to surprise him.

You can also just be more sneaky than him. Good players get outplayed by other good players you know. If that wasn’t the case, all sports and e-sports would always end up with a draw.

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It hasn’t happened in the last half decade, it won’t happen now. And it would create matchmaking issues and tear huge gaps into some tech trees. And that’s just one of the problems this needless change would create. Just lifting AP and APCR post pen damage back up to a level it already was at multiple times in the past would level the playing field without causing any of these problems.

You did not say you were wrong. You very obviously argued about the 76 not being able to pen the Tiger E’s cupola. I and many others gave you plenty of examples of you stating that word for word. The Jumbo is mentioned nowhere in the reply chain. You continue to be dishonest. Just admitting you were wrong about this would be far less emberassing.

This is what I meant:

You don’t have to flank that much, especially considering it’s easy for him to expose the turret’s side too much, when he is aiming at someone else.

At this angle side of the hull can’t be penned, it’s around 180mm of effective thickness for the American 76mm. A little lower, above the tracks, it’s around 160mm.

you can win the 1v1 by it actually being a 1v2, great advice !!


I’m doing just fine. Remember, it’s you that needs your opponents to misplay their tanks, not me.

Needing a 2vs1 in order to take out a tank that’s played correctly is by definition not balanced.

Being sneaky doesn’t work against enemies with ears. Needing to be very sneaky while my opponent can hold W to the center of the map is not balanced. E-sports and squadronbattles in War Thunder are most often decided by who has better shot placement. No tournament player worth their salt gets flanked.



then someone else is in a 2v1 (which then they assumedly die) or youre not actually in a 2v1 and in a 2v2 where you just get instantly traded, gg fighters