[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

To be honest it also feels like everyone in the nerf US 76s and USSR 85mm crowd is portraying every enemy we will ever encounter as the most incompetent player imaginable with a level 1 standard crew lol.


Are you in game currently? You can add me and we load into rhine real quick and test it.

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as far as I remember. barrels don’t misfire, but the breech does. its why barrel shots are unreliable ever since the barrel damage changes.

if you’re able to, can you also test red barrels being able to fire as I am not home to test it myself

Im curious about the results but its late night

You right. Its the breach that misfires. Barrels you just destroy if you try to shoot on orange and red.

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Dont natter cause youll still be dead from well…
>88mm shell.webp

Has anyone here actually tested the dev APHE in an actual game? I feel like people are exaggerating the nerf.


barrels do misfire, I did it a couple games ago when I was trying to get the clip

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Aced T-34, max repair and leadership:

15 seconds off of cap
10 seconds on the cap

Ok. 15s is plenty of time especially on an American 75mm with 5s reload aced.

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Very true, a sealed deal if it’s a 1v1. To be fair though I’m targeing their cupola outright if I’m within the ~200 meter distance M61 out of a 75mm requires to have an above average chance to pen the cupola just because in my experience dueling against them, the 85mm barrel is way harder to hit when they start wiggling compared to the cupola which stays in an almost fixed position while the turret wiggles in a narrow arc.

I can assure you at least one of them didn’t, can’t say much about the other ones, trying to seriously discuss the change on this thread is very useless, you’ll likely have a way better experience on the actual feedback thread

its like a 50/50% chance to fire or misfire iirc
which means 100% for the enemy to be able to fire 0% for you :DDDDD

What actual feedback thread besides this one are you talking about? Or are you waiting for a new one?

there will be a new one when the test is pushed to the live server


Most people, who want this change, want realistic and balanced APHE.

I highly doubt that anyone wants this change to specifically nerf those 2 guns.


For what it’s worth, I found the ratel 90’s stock heat FS absolutely busted and hilariously so (6.3)

I do agree with you, the reason I am choosing to reference it that way is because I want to make it very clear what the results will be; regardless of intentions. I don’t blame anyone who does end up voting yes. In the end it makes the game more realistic, and also it’s going to be hard voting no when gaijin says they’re buffing APHE regardless of the vote. In my opinion the only people who are wrong in this scenario are those trying to spread misinformation constantly, like spanish and the person with the Japanese username above.

Sadly I can’t keep monitoring updates to this thread because it takes a lot of time and energy to not only respond to them, but to also gather gameplay footage in live server matches just to prove them wrong, multiple times over in one day so far. I do look forward to the more closely moderated live thread that will come, so we can actually have a realistic discussion and stick strictly to what IS happening in the game, instead of endless waves of trolling and counterintuitive claims. I believe the nerf will pass, I’ll be a bit bummed out about it because it does remove some gameplay potential of two legendary vehicles I’ve always enjoyed, but realistically I’ll probably still have just as much fun at the battle ratings.

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I rarely see them so not much of a problem. If I don’t see one and it hits me its as much as a problem as anything else to be honest.I played one a bit and it’s all about whether its up tiered or not much like anything else.
It will make a mess of a WW2 tank no denying it.

It’s like most of that Cold war rubbish of that era It big and clumsy ,lightly armoured and just about useful enough to do no more than totally ruin the late echelons of the WW2 era and take the shine off playing WW2 heavies.

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Russian Bias 😏