[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

forgive me, it seems i misunderstood a bit then and thought we were talking about Tiger H1’s in general, tho i would say there still a point for more powerful cannons to aim for the cupola on E model Tigers, in a hull down scenario, as its one of the first weak spots revealed, and with APHE gives you direct access to the crew.
ill concede tho because of its slope and smaller profile, that its for sure a less popular weak spot than on older models, tho still useful if your gun how’s the power, and most of the hull remains hidden or angled.


Yeah, this is honestly insane, in my opinion this just shows that he’s arguing in bad faith. He is clearly just trying to antagonize everyone here arguing for the validity of the current function of the APHE spherical damage mechanic and the utility it offers us in ground RB. It took me one match to do something he said can’t be done, and hasn’t been done in 10 years, and I’m one of the most average players you’re going to find stats wise. That’s just laughable.

I’m very glad they said the actual thread regarding the vote on the live server will be closely moderated, because in my opinion he really should not be allowed to do this over the course of days, constantly trying to insult everyone he deals with when things don’t go his way.


It’s funny you should say that, since antagonising me is exactly what you’ve been doing for days over this stupid bullcrap. Of course, now it is the turn of the reflection part, it’s like clockwork.

Anyway, I’ve wasted enough time with you already- because it is obvious that you are the one arguing in bad faith here. You don’t care about context, you don’t care about the explanations I’ve tried to clarify taking my sweet time and you don’t care about truth, only about antagonising me to discredit my position/points.


I hope you all know that cupola weakspots will still exist. It just won’t nuke everyone in the turret instantly and might require multiple shots.


>takes out only commander
>death by 88mm shell.png


Just TBT and shoot cupola multiple times. (The 75mm specialty)

Okay wtf does tbt mean-

Track barrel torture; disabling barrel/tracks.

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No worries, and thank you! You are the only one in here who has bothered to read me instead of skipping everything I say just to keep antagonising me.

And I agree with you- of course more powerful guns can pen E’s cupola indeed. But my point was always about the traditional meaning of weakspot.

The way I always figured, a weakspot is a pennable spot on an otherwise nearly immune vehicle. That would be, for example, H1’s cupola against 75mms. That is why, by this definition, I did not consider E’s cupola a weakspot; because guns capable of penning its cupola will be able to penetrate other larger and more relevant spots 90% of the times, which is why, although technically possible, it isn’t a “weakspot” lots of people rely on, as H1’s cupola is.

I tried to explain my point clearly for others to understand. I doubt they will care to even read it, since their only goal is to antagonise me and actually respecting me like a fellow player for once goes against that, but I think it’s worth a shot- because no matter how much certain users try to antagonise me, I merely try to bring up genuine points.

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>hits barrel
>turns orange
>death by 88mm shell.jpeg

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Im pretty sure orange is good enough to disable a barrel. If they fire, they destroy their own barrel. Yellow is the colour you don’t want.


Ok, I missed this earlier… now THIS is hilarious. It is you and others that have been consistently bashing me for days over a quote taken out of context and ignoring my consequent explanations, accusing me of “acting in bad faith”, being “ignorant”, saying that “you disrespect yourself by replying to me” and other cute stuff… and now you try to flip the tables and picture ME as the one “insulting others over days”…?

I am the one glad that the actual thread will be moderated, because then you won’t be able to insult and antagonise me repeatedly for days over a quote taken out of context and then have the guts of accusing me of doing this for trying to explain myself in vain attempts to reason that what you are doing is wrong.

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*yellow, then, or gets deflected by tank lightsabers

Yellow is unlikely unless you’re shooting at a very large barrel like a 122mm. As for bounces, all I can say is aim better.

>shoots ruskie 76mm point-blank
>shoots tiger H1’s 88 with my Strv 74s APHE

Barrel shots are inconsistent as fuck lmfao


you can still shoot with a red barrel

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Not to mention that to take a barrel shot in a 1v2 is suicide. My barrel repair time in most of my aced tanks is 13 seconds or less, Before the majority of the vehicles at that battle rating can even engage my teammate and reload I’m already back in the fight. I’ve had it be as fast as 8 seconds before while on cap in my t-34 in TSS on rhine. I get barreled, they bounce one shot on my wiggle, and I fire again.

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Yep. At higher tiers I dont even try for barrel shots bc of this, its better just to breech them. Hell, in AB it is almost worse then useless as it takes like 5s to semi-repair.

Unless you’re using a 20mm or 40mm this isn’t gonna happen…

All you have to hit is the big muzzle brake.

Yes they are. At least if you’re using an American 75, reload is 5s.

You can but you have to go through misfires and even if you manage to fire its majorly inaccurate even near point blank range and not worth risking destroying your barrel and increasing your repair.


Is it 13s? I’m pretty sure its 20s aced to repair a broken barrel.