[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

I play a lot at 4BR and below so APHE is an issue and important ,I get that but armour is mostly pretty thin.I just find the game at 4BR and below to be fine and fun in general and not in need of a game changing buff or nerf.

Above that and it is just a WW2 /Cold War mess and a big mix of ammo.I tolerate it but don’t like it much ,not now anyway.

The issue here might be an issue if we had a WW2 cut off point of some kind with the later ammo saved for a higher division. As I have said ,playing 6BR again last night and it was all about the HE.I am trying to mod my Panther F as I never did for some reason and I am doing well ,hiding being careful.Nothing I can do against one shot death from HE from Arty.

So my point is that APHE is not the problem so much.Yes a good shot will do it and I accept that but it has to be in a ratio to shots bounced across the game and HE is either one shotting every time or doing so much damage I am practically out anyway.

APHE is often just passing right through so much light stuff as well.

My point overall is not so much a Era related whine fest as much as somebody saying do you want changes to APHE and me saying No I would rather have Cold War tanks in a seperate division form APHE firing tanks anyway at last up to a point.

That is why I voted no.My frustration at higher WW2/APHE firing tiers is facing out for era tanks not firing APHE or if they do they are so fast I can’t hit them even when I see them.

Now you have every right to say well who the f**k are you anyway but I am simply one of those 51% who voted against a change and I am simply stating why.

I would also say if Gaijin want to trial it then OK because it may be good but even if it is it still wont help the late WW2 game any because its all cold war ammo vs 40s armour.

so low tier is fine as it is and mid tier is not even about APHE that much in my humble opinion.



he-did-it (1)

What world are you living on? Also, by the by, thats actually realistic. IRL the british round had a slightly higher velocity which lead to being able to actually frontally pen the tiger 1 somewhat effectively. The m3 will also get the solid shot effect therefore increasing the lethality of the shrapnel forwards. So no the british round wont be hugely better as it no longer (it used to have 106mm of pen compared to the american 104mm) has slightly more pen…

…and why didn’t you shoot at, uh… the flat front plate you had available dead ahead that would have led to total destruction of the tank…?

The only reason why you did the “cupola trickshot” was to make a point; you could have killed the tank much more easily right there and then, so my point still stands, which is: if your gun can pen the cupola, it can pen much more relevant spots 90% of the times (as in that clip); and if your gun can’t pen anywhere else, most chances are it won’t be able to pen that cupola either.

So the point remains:


You just did in ~1 hour what the community’s most vocal member has not seen done in 10 years. Genuinely incredible. I love how as soon as I do it, goalposts move to “do it in a game” then you do it in a game and the goalpost moves to “well uh you coulda got the easier kill on him” when the initial argument is whether or not it can even happen lmfao


because I’m not going to play 50 matches to find the perfect clip, when the question was indeed can I do it in game, which I have infact done. So thats why. :)


The point never changed from this.

People said: “Tiger H1’s artificial cupola weakspot is absolutely vital, because, otherwise, Tiger H1 would be literally invincible.”

I replied: “Tiger H1 would not be invincible without the artificial cupola weakspot, the same way Tiger E, which has a much smaller, sloped and thicker cupola 99% of the people don’t consider to be a real weakspot per se, is not invincible.”

Then you proceed to bash me over a technicality and demonstrate that it is TECHNICALLY possible to damage a Tiger E through the cupola (gg?), as if that was the point, while ignoring my actual point- which is that it is an unnecessary weakspot 99% of the times people will not even consider shooting at because the tank can be killed much quicker and more reliabily and easily in other ways.


good music choice

I feel I’m disrespecting myself by responding to you directly, but you quite literally state here in this same thread, in this message I am going to quote you in that the Tiger E exists, and it has “no pennable cupola”. Members of the community advise you that you are wrong, you argue and talk down to them.

I show you in a test drive that recessed cupolas can be effortlessly penned, I even do so while starting the clip aiming in a random location and moving my crosshair to show how consistently it can be done. The other guy who constantly has been insulting people in this posts tells me to do it in a game, the other commenter does it.

You then ask why he even did it, when you and your group literally say it cannot be done (In the message I am quoting you from this thread). He did it to prove to you it can be done. You say you haven’t seen it in 10 years, he provided evidence in a match in ~1 hour. Your actual point is clear in your original message, you say it cannot be penned, we all show you that it can and you somehow are this passionate about a topic you’re not even knowledgeable about.

I have seen tiger E’s and 2h’s get cupola’d countless times in squadron battles over the years where people play the tank correctly and hide UFPs. It’s obviously not the first spot an experienced player will look for, but sometimes against a skilled opponent it is your only option with a 76mm gun. I’m not going to respond again, but I really really really am embarassed for you to have declared something “impossible” that we so quickly prove can not only be done, but done with minimal effort. Please just have a moment of self reflection, be humble and say “ok I said it was impossible, I was wrong” instead of constantly trying to talk down to people and changing the goalpost over the infinite number of times they have proven you wrong.


So, I just logged on for the night and was determined to get some in game proof as well, I’m glad that we’ve now determined that it needs to be a shot on late war low profile german cupola specifically as a necessity, in a scenario where there is no way I can guarentee the kill with m62 outside of hitting said late war low profile cupola

So here is a kill on a panther F, which shares the same low profile 7 viewport cupola as the Tiger E, with 2 consistent hits on it at ~300 meters. I could not have killed it from this angle with M62 and it could have instantly killed me with a single pen closer to the middle of my turret cheek on both of the peeks.


but you could have brought apcr… smh smh smh


i dont wanna be rude, but it feels like you are arguing in bad faith when you say stuff like this. most skilled players who are experienced with the 5.3-5.7 BR bracket, know that the cupola of Early Tiger tanks is in fact a critical weak spot, not just because its a section of 80mm of steel that is always available to shoot anytime you see the tank, but because for many guns its one of the only places you can reliable pen the tank from the front, or at any angle. a great example is the American Jumbo with the 75, from the front you really cant do much to a tiger, and nothing at all even with APCR if the tiger player is actually skilled and angles his tank, buuuut, any jumbo player worth his salt knows to aim for the cupola to splash APHE fragments into the turret. its very effective, and many players are well aware of this, and its even a useful weak spot for better penning guns like the American 76 or Russian 85, as it allows you to cripple a tiger player who is hull down or hiding his hull behind cover.
Im alredy confident that many players are aware of these weakspots, because i love to play my tigers, and many time ive been taken down by tanks like the jumbo through my cupola, even in my Premium porsch common tiger.

so when you say that its an irrelevant weak spot, i feel that you are either being intentionally ignorant to not admit fault, or are just very inexperienced with these vehicles, but that wouldn’t make since give the hours you have with this game


at best APCR would of killed maybe 1 or two crewmembers, but with APHE you can easily nock out the entire turret, sometimes more, so if you have good aim and game knowledge, APHE is absolutely better to bring

edit: im dumb and dont know what sarcasm is, pls forgive

I am talking about Tiger E’s cupola here, not Tiger H1’s; my point is, precisely, that, as critical of a weakspot as H1’s cupola is for guns that typically can’t pen anywhere else (American 75mm), E’s is not; because, if a gun can pen E’s cupola, it can pen it at many other spots, unlike the American 75 and H1, where many times it is the only spot it can pen.

You just made this whole comment accusing me of arguing in bad faith or being ignorant, but you are mixing things and confused about my point.

American 75mm can pen H1’s cupola; but as I said, it can’t pen E’s cupola.

I was talking about American 75mms indeed, as in Jumbo vs Tiger’s scenario; in which case, H1’s cupola is a weakspot, but E’s is not. And people started accusing me of being ignorant because much more powerful guns can pen E’s cupola when that’s besides the point, and now you came in thinking I was talking about H1’s all along and drawing wrong conclussions over it…

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I actually cannot believe you are now saying 75mm specifically. You have left me speechless.


Because originally people were talking about the Jumbo vs Tiger H1 interaction.

It is YOU and others that decided to take that whole context out of the equation to make me look ignorant/bad faith.

This is really starting to get exhausting. You managed to build a whole argument from nitpicking a technicality and now you won’t let go even after days. You will cling to it till the end of time, I can see already.



In the post above donerkebab clearly uses the m4a3 76W and pens it, I clearly use the same and pen it, and you keep it going. Your ally in this even said “do it in a game” inferring we use the same cannons.

Please just stop. Take the L. Move on.


It is you the ones who distorted the point by turning the discussion into whether it can be penned by 76mm s or not, but it originally was all about the Jumbo vs Tiger interactions.

But congratulations, you definitely managed to pull some narrative there, you and your constant hostility from the start. And I am the one acting in bad faith…