[Updated 03/09] Testing our Proposed APHE Shell Changes on the Dev Server!

the vehicle much better being those who were actually already great. the only exeption maybe being the T95 but even with the change the cupola still is a weakspot.

When it is close to 50/50, no side has the Majority…

The Vote has shown that there are equal amount of people that would be interested in testing…

if the vote was closer to 60-70% no, then it may have been different… but, when half of the community is interested, you cannot really discount them…

Anyway… this is about Feedback about the Test, not about the vote result…


Tiger 1 Pzgr is also on a platform that almost everything at its BR can pen rather easily, with lackluster mobility and a huge muzzlebrake to boot.

Skill issue on his part, plain and simple. The conqueror is amazing
…Well, when APDS doesn’t shatter.

Some people are going to ask “Doesn’t majority mean 50% plus one vote?”

There was a roughly 2000 people difference towards “no” if the math is done.

But aight.

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We would like to clarify on the subject of the APHE shells, the vote that took place, and further testing. We understand that our initial intentions and further steps may have been unclear and have raised questions, so we will tell you about everything in detail once again.

The vote was held to collect opinions to decide whether we should start working on it at all, and, as we said, we did not plan to introduce such changes without testing and voting on its results. We needed to study the players’ interest in this topic, and given that some players could vote against, thinking that the vote was for introducing the mechanics into the game, and not for testing it, we considered 48.64% of “For” votes as a significant amount of interest and decided to prepare for testing to take place.

We will note in advance that if as a result of the vote for introducing the mechanic, following on the testing, we see the same “borderline” results without a clear advantage (for example, 51% “for” and 49% “against”), then we will not introduce this change, since we do not want to upset a significant portion of the playerbase. The biggest questions from players are about the changes to the scattering sectors of fragments from APHE shells. We are already seeing feedback from test participants that in different conditions the penetration result (compared to the current version on the main server) may differ and have both a smaller and a greater effect, depending on the place where the penetration took place and locations of the modules and crew. The other two points, namely, preserving the warhead and strengthening secondary fragments, lead to increased damage in all situations, which is why they do not cause controversial reactions and will in any case be added in the upcoming major update, which means that the new mechanics of fragment distribution, if approved by players, will appear in the game along with them. Therefore, we are testing them together, not separately.

Testing is available on the DEV server until September 5, then we will take a break and focus on releasing the major update. After some time, we will conduct testing on the main server in the same format — in the protection analysis and an event, since we believe that for an objective assessment, anyone who wishes to vote should be able to test the changes without having to download a separate client. In addition, we will improve the voting service and introduce additional conditions for participants so that accounts specially created for voting cannot distort the results.

Finally, we would like to remind you that a significant majority of votes “For” changing the scattering sectors of fragments of APHE shells is required to make a positive decision. Otherwise, this mechanic will not be introduced.


After test the new APHE, i say a big YES for the changes. I hope finally come to the game.


It would be better to increase the damage to the rest of the ammunition. And they removed the mechanics of volumetric projectiles.
Realism is not needed if it makes the game boring!


So… We’re still getting the unneeded buff to APHE, even if the post-testing vote doesn’t pass?


Yes, this is something that is stated at the start of the topic.

It’s also something that pretty much everyone opposes if the fragmentation area changes don’t fall through. Even those that voted “no”.

Thank you for the clarification! Please do not forget to mention this in the upcoming voting session!

My question in this regard is what does significant majority means for you, Gaijin? 2/3 of the votes? 3/4? 4/5?

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I’ll agree with you here. It’s quite silly that that is the change getting passed through regardless…

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As someone with a 30 mbit/s internet connection, thank you.

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it is a Test of Proposed changes… Feedback will still matter later and maybe another vote later… have to wait and see


I’m talking about this, which makes it sound as if the strengthening of warhead is getting added regardless. Is it not?

Everyone that’s been around long enough to have the displeasure of reading your abhorrent takes knows you’re incapable of changing your mind when presented with evidence you’re wrong, but since others are reading this thread too: The Tiger E absolutely has a pennable cupola, and it’s the most important weakspot in a lot of engagements when you’re going up against it with a 76 Sherman or a T-34 85. And since you already posted that in another comment, shooting the turret face of a Tiger I with one of these guns is ridiculously unreliable.


And now that comment has been deleted.

Edit: mb, I thought you were replying to the larger comment.

this is the same guy who drove his tiger on the top of a sand ridge to expose himself, got shot twice by an m51 and took no cover, then proceeded to mald about the m51 penning him on reddit
I wouldn’t expect good tiger gameplay out of him


Looks like, less of those cupola “death from above” cheap shots in future

Are Ru mains ok with this APHE change?

I didnt see that Smin had posted before mine, so dont want to confuse things

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