I think you guys forgot the add the F18 scene in the new update trailer. I mean its coming to the game… right?
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Why? US just got the strongest aircraft in game by a notable margin last update and 7 aircraft in total across the last 3 updates.
That is more than anyone else by double. US can go 1 update without getting a new aircraft, like most nations do on a regular basis
What do you think why it wasn’t in the trailer?
they confirmed that it isnt
F18? Naaah we want UFO’s
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Please,stop with these posts.The only results you’ll get are
- Watching the post being closed by the mods
- Being recognised as an entitled (and worse) by the community
US just got the F-15E,they will wait an update or two for other nations to get their meta counterparts and then they’ll get the F-18, that’s it
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Please use RRD for this, well, there is no need to anyway as it got denied by Smin.