Update trailer

I think you guys forgot the add the F18 scene in the new update trailer. I mean its coming to the game… right?

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Why? US just got the strongest aircraft in game by a notable margin last update and 7 aircraft in total across the last 3 updates.

That is more than anyone else by double. US can go 1 update without getting a new aircraft, like most nations do on a regular basis


What do you think why it wasn’t in the trailer?

they confirmed that it isnt

F18? Naaah we want UFO’s

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Please,stop with these posts.The only results you’ll get are

  1. Watching the post being closed by the mods
  2. Being recognised as an entitled (and worse) by the community

US just got the F-15E,they will wait an update or two for other nations to get their meta counterparts and then they’ll get the F-18, that’s it

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Please use RRD for this, well, there is no need to anyway as it got denied by Smin.