_______Update on testing Russian Bias on T80BVM: the problem is High Hardness Plates

well if the leopards dont blow up even after extensive fire its safe to say they didnt explode on the first hit

I don’t wanna say this but how did you know when you don’t even have them and experience them? you don’t even have top tier Russia
and you think i’m playing this game yesterday? think what i’m telling is BS I’m playing six nations in the game and Russia is one of the lines up i had in top tier I well know what i’m talking about and knew how it doing where you think i pull it from if not from experience ?


Okay, i guess americans were super wrong, when the changed ammo stowage for shermans. Stupid americans.

Simply not. Most penetration happens quite above that (even in urban combat, cause it mostly happens with hits from the upper floors)

Well, we can talk about their efficiency anyway and even cases where they havent worked.

Well, i think that US army had smart people in it

And where is it located now in the Abrams …?

That’s debatable but anyway, I’m happy to tell you that there’s something called “the world” and that there are other countries than the USA.

I remember two leopards, that were caught on fire, but both had external ones, so its cant damage ammo anyway. And well… First challenger that was caught on fire had its turret displaced, so another hint could be that these leopards are being used without full ammo load (only bustle ammo stowage). IIRC, Bundeswehr manual says about it.

Fully in bustle ammo stowage, without any stowage in hull. Yeah, thats much safer than other variants. All other MBTs lacks that.

And quite many tried to place ammo in the lower part of the tank. At least its biggest part.

One of the Leopard 2s was seen burning on the inside my dude. BW manual states nothing about the amount of amunition, it’s crew dependent (but if you’re going out to the field, bringing only 15 rounds is simply not enough, and assuming they’re “simply” not bringing any hull ammunition is dumb) - however, Ukraine was given ammunition that makes use of LOVA (Low Vulnerability) propellants from Germany that simply don’t explode, hence why all the 2A6s that were hit, did not explode.

And quite many put it somewhere else now.

And i have top-tier Japan, which is enough for me. I have no problems with fairy tails about some magically protected ammo of T-tanks.

did a bit of recounting looking at all t90m on oryx 6 turret tosses out of 24
and has i sayd most dont show the aftermath which they mostly did for the leos
i think there was one were they only showed a burning tank

and this is the t90m the best tank russia apparently have
so if there is a miracle solution to the ammo rack problem the t90m should have it

Ah, that one. Forgot about it. It was 2A6.

Isnt it used only in DM63 and is Ukraine received them?

Isnt it used only in DM63 and is Ukraine received them?


The latter one is in the game, but Gaijin of course, never bothered themselves with actually making it LV.

All modern German munitions use LOVA/SCBD, that’s the only propellant greenlighted for use by them, new DM73 is using it, the upcoming DM83 will be using it. Even PMC 287 of the Puma is using it.

US is also using SCBD in their newest tank munition, fx; M829A4.

This needs to go on the wt .ru forum! What will happen with your and Razer’s findings here? Prolly gonna get a few thousands views, similar amount of replies and when people finish arguing for no reason then its going to die down… Thats how it ends 90% of the time here.
Players that actually enjoy the game will support this,
huh, maybe even get mad after finding out that not only their skill made it perform soo good lol

Dont waste the opportunity!

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Well, okay. Anyway i doubt that they are invulneruable to explosions. It sounds a little fantastic.

Oh, and yeah. HE one. So… eh… Even if its propellant is LOVA, they have not only that. Like, its HE shell.

Might enough for you but I’m sure you are not know well enough that what Russian tanks and it line up capable of to the point i stop playing it out of disgust and feel bad against other nation it unfair and it no BS i tell you and here the fact spalling seem to effect after the war getting bad for Russian side

Well, okay. Anyway i doubt that they are invulneruable to explosions. It sounds a little fantastic.

Ye okay, it quite really doesn’t matter what you think is true or not. Rheinmetall states munitions with LOVA are Type 5 on the IM scale, those munitions only react in a very specific way… that is by slowly burning away. Best part? If one round goes, the rest may still be used unless mechanically damaged. Yes, this is magical, but it’s nothing new and many countries invested into this, Israel and US included.

Miracle solution is to make bustle loader and remove all ammo from the hull, like it was done on Abrams. Now its the safest way to place ammo stowage.

so using my numbers form above the t90m turret toss rate is 25% meanwhile its 8% for the leo 2a4 and 2a6 becouse they lost 3 each

actually its 16% for the leo becouse the rest just got damaged
but yea read my statement above the numbers are strongly in favor of the t90m

I’m not quite sure why an argument about; “how often tanks explode IRL” even came up. By looking at records of the loses on both sides, the only vehicles that don’t explode when hit and actually penetrated so far, happened to be the Leopard 2A6s but we know why those didn’t so we can ignore them.

T-90Ms? Exploded when hit in the storage.
T-80BVMs? Same story - there were even videos of them dropping grenades into ammo storage of those tanks, they all exploded violently afterwards.
T-72B3Ms? So far some of the most common turret throwers in Ukraine, albeit the BVM holds the record for the furthest one so far.
T-64s? Same story as above.
Chally 2? Yep, same.

Chally 2s in the game behave 1:1 to their IRL counterpart in this regard, it’s the T-series that are the odd ones out - if you’re hit and penetrated and the ammunition has been hit? You should go, unless you have LOVA.

I know. But i see no problem in that, cause there are many line-ups through the game, that are strong for quite many TTs. And idk what how line-ups (amount and versatile) connected with claims about particular vehicles being OP.

Quite bold claim, while its still going on.