

  • A bug that caused the sight in the cockpit to display incorrectly and move when the player’s camera moved in aircraft with gyro sights that were turned off has been fixed. (Report).
  • A bug where a line from the missile launch zone was sometimes displayed in another battle on another aircraft has been fixed. (Report).
  • A bug where collisions with friendly AI aircraft would in most cases not result in damage to the player’s aircraft has been fixed.
  • A bug where opening the bomb bay and then selecting bombs on the external hardpoint would cause the bomb bay to close and then not be possible to open until the bombs in the bomb bay were selected or until the external hardpoint selector was disabled has been fixed. (Report).
  • A bug where helicopter blades could deflect bombs without taking damage has been fixed.
  • A bug where bombs could fly through helicopters without causing damage has been fixed.
  • A bug where the voice announcer announced the incorrect launch direction and instead reported the direction of the previously fired missile has been fixed.

Ground Vehicles

  • A bug where the crew would voice a notification about a missed shot due to the discarding sabot flying past the target even though the armor-piercing part of the APFSDS shell hit the target has been fixed.
  • A bug where it was possible to attach the tow cable to an enemy vehicle that was still alive after they had respawned for the second time has been fixed.

Naval Vessels

  • Arkhangelsk — a bug where the last two gun indicators did not show the reload time has been fixed.


  • Water display near the shores has been improved, making the boundary between calm and turbulent currents less noticeable.
  • Green Mountains Gulf, Palau Islands — these Coastal only missions have been removed from the rotation in all game modes. This has been done due to the large distance between the spawn points and taking 4 minutes on average to make it to the first capture point. We plan to change and reintroduce them in the future.


  • A bug where the Market camouflages might have not been displayed to other players even if the “Show content in the battle” setting was selected as “Any” in the settings has been fixed. (Report).

Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the bug reporting service, forums and other official platforms into account. Bug fixes and changes are implemented in order of importance, for example a game-breaking bug will be worked on and implemented sooner.


If you want to leave feedback on Auction news, please use Auction article here
This is Changelog post. Please stay on topic.


Where is the fix?



Updates are always good, finally something to make me less angry after the auction bullcrap


You have to love fixes for trivial issues that no one cares about when major gameplay issues are either ignored or never fixed…

VR tank players turret are STILL moving every three seconds… but it’s only been a year now… :(



PzH 2000 A1&HU spall liner, shell situation not fixed
VBCI APS not fixed
PzH 2000 HU composite layout and labeling not fixed


Please submit valid bug report here: Community Bug Reporting System


PzH 2000HU still has wrong composite layout behind driver’s hatch and incorrectly labeled composite on the aircon unit.

The rest have been accepted but not implemented

Gaijin simply copy pasted the A1’s composite layout.Which is incorrect for the Hungarian one


Really sad day to see those two coastal maps go. Those were good maps.

is there any plans to fix the m44’s driver view?
or the M56’s turret being affected by the battery for some reason?


It’s F-15E time boys… we’re so back.

Just saw a fresh cut on Reddit that depicts that it is not fixed, bomb doesn’t explode on impact and just bounces off, while breaking the blades (same as with scout drone) without scoring the kill. “Great job! Again.”

Yes, please rework them and re add them. These one some of the few Naval maps/modes where it is not just an open and empty body of water. I detest the “Conquest” maps/modes where there is no cover and everyone is in a big circle. It is SOOOO stupid and boring. Especially when you get vaporized from 1 or 2 salvos right after spawning.
All of my dislikes and one ban are spent on Naval Conquest missions:

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Very nice. Thank you.

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Never going to happen 😂

thats crazy

These ships with guns that fire for miles are too far apart to start, womp womp.

Wheres A10C apkws ccip fix?! RAAAAAH

Nah A-10 go mach when

they haven’t been fixed