Update (Battle Ratings)

Leopard 2K = 10.0
PT-16/T14 → Leopard 2K without smokes, laser rangefinder and 20 mm gun, but with better reload = 10.7

Typical Gaijin moment
What a nonsense

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This one goes 2 ways. Personally i’d prefer a variable BR set up, that you play in the BR the armament you have currently equipped is fit for. For example. Someone grinded the event , took F-14A IRIAF. He take Fakour, he plays 13.0 . He takes AIM-54A in his loadout, it’s 12.7. AIM-7E2/Sedjil?R27R without ARH in the loadout? 12.3. Only AIM-9P that’s a 12.0. As a failsafe, even if you arm one of these missiles the Br changes accordingly. But you always have the option…not to.
This way you can help even stock grind and it actually pictures a plane’s power in the variety of set-ups it can have in a load out.

Make sanse 4 sec autolaoder reload vs 7+sec manual reload

Absolutely not

From your perspective, a10 has to be at lower tier if player decides to spawn it without the mavericks. I know you’re talking about arb but variable br setup is not optimal, gaijin just have to make a tier which includes av8 with aim 120, f14 with fakour90 and mig29s, nothing less or more, maybe you could add other nations jets like chinese ones but i don’t know most jets so its just an example, i think its better than facing eurofighters, rafale c or f15e.

Even if.
My point is that we should focus in decompression instead what someone plays. We have to help eachother in this , because no one else will.
K/D is irrelevant i think. It can be messed with bot airkills (or that’s what i remember- correct m eif i’m wrong).
I’ve played many games against F-14 IRIAF and enough game with it.
It’s not about getting it up or down in BR , or what X player says and supports. Anyone has his opinion.
It’s about this plane along with many others , currently, don’t really have a spot. We’re talking 0,3 differences here and it goes from very good (OP it wasn’t) to barely playable (other than release F90s/AIM-54s and turn back its capacity is limited).

It does also correct me if im wrong but doesnt it have armor?
Like smt in the turret cheaks cus leo 2k is peper

They are more or less the same paper.

Well if leo 2a4 have 6 sec reload and it on 10.7 then it makes sanse for it to be too

In reality, the Thai F-16 OCU likely doesn’t have HMD, or am I mistaken?

Of course, decompression should also be the better option, but for this current state I don’t think Gaijin would push for more decompression at least IMHO there would be another decompression when F-18 and Su-30SM has arrived.

I know, you should read again my reply, I don’t talk about his K/D, I talk about his accountability as a player, using a burner account is such a cowards way to avoid accountability in the argument.

The point of BR Changes is also to changes the trend of its BR so other (NOT ALL) player can also have a breath of air for being good in game, if we always opt for decompression, there’s no competition in game, and the game being too easy, and it will flatout the stats favourabily for the skillful player than everybody can gets it.

The F-14A IRIAF isn’t barely playable if it still can score 2 kill especially if more than 2, and also doing a volley firing something that only EFT horde can do in 14.0. You don’t talk about how it performs in a full downtier especially when there will be almost 3-4 F-14A IRIAF. Current BR Changes will just make F-14A IRIAF have consistent performance due to noob player will leaving this aircraft and only the capable player that still want to play this aircraft.

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God I wish Gaijin don’t forget about the F-16A MLU of the Belgian Air Force, it only have HMS rn, don’t have HMD lol.

I thought we ended the IRIAF convo with a very good tune last time :/

I come back and I see whole essays with false claims against me and the IRIAF.

I will not interact with any of you. Do better.

Not actually clarify your second account existence wouldn’t help your argument here, if you persist, then it’s your fault. Not people who doubt your claim.


Run away from critique again with a tail between your legs.

1st Acholyte of the Tomcat Cultist.

Claiming F-14A IRIAF seeing F-15C is unfair
While ignoring F-104S.ASA suffered badly and blamed them.

Both are the same bullshit decompression problem.

Just be honest.
You don’t want decompression. Right?
You just want to not lose your favourite toy, which has positive K/D.


PT’s rangefinder works the same as a LRF in the game.

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I played it at 13.0 yesterday. Imagine i started playing last week, in order to have it spaded or at least with full armament for the change.
I’ll tell you what i noticed. As 12.7 it went from 1/2 K/D to 1/1 K/D when i took F90 missiles . So, from taking F90 and afterwards, it’s around 2/1 K/D .
When 12,7 people that got killed didn’t defend (i watched replays) or i played it like SARH but F&F (with good success rate i must add) .
Now, in 13.0 …you see EF2Ks and Rafales do the same . Fly straight to F90s. The only difference is that you can’t dog fight , when in a 12,7 game (undertiered) you could.

Well, it’s a convenient excuse people just love to bring, every time they feel at a disadvantage or inconvenienced, for whatever reason. Gaijin hates this, Gaijin hates that…



Obviously, if I think it’s implemented in a way that I don’t deem right, must be it’s because they hate it.


It’s completly justified then for F-14A IRIAF going up to if this is also pure skill issue. We can do this all night.


Mate at this post you’re just spamming the topic with the same thing over and over again…