Update (Battle Ratings)

What would you rather me do? Throw away my opinion and don’t share it?

Share it once, maybe twice

“Dying to fakour while playing F1C/S.ASA is a skill issue”
“Dying to fakour while playing EF2000 is a skill issue too”


“Dying to AIM-120 while playing F-14A IRIAF is Gaijin’s conspiracy about hating Tomcat”

Nonsense double standard for nothing but biasing F-14 IRIAF.

Stop spamming Tomcat topic all over the forum ffs.


How so? It is not the IRIAF’s fault the people are completely unaware. If they didn’t die to the Fakour, second later it would be an Aim-120, PL-12, or ER.

So why am I the only person that’s supposed to be constrained by this ruling? Why not say the same thing for the other users who have been on the forum doing the same thing longer than I have? You’re not making sense.

Yes it’s the player not the plane. As if in 12,7 didn’t see 13,7 . Practically… the same missiles in play.
And practically the same mistakes you may see someone in a 11,7 do. The problem is you can say the 11,7 RWR is crap and the player has difficulties to understand what went wrong, that i can agree… in 14.0 it’s 200% player issue.

Sorry, but in a full uptier, for a vehicle that sits at the lower bracket, it wouldn’t be the same as sitting at 14.0 full matchmaking no downtier. Yes both of these aircraft will easily sweep you, but F-14A IRIAF now have both chance of full uptier and downtier, which from my experience, the trend of downtier for 13.0 Aircraft now is more prevalent that before thanks to F-14A IRIAF going up to 13.0.

Personal K/D is an anecdotal tbh, that’s why I take the variable for the armament of the aircraft as “Gurantee Kill” rather than how someone can perform since this is highly subjective matters. Especially if you play F-14A IRIAF correctly and not brainlessly like most player. Unfortunately, most F-14A IRIAF Player are brainless, and the only thing that can stop this IMHO (you can object this) to at least kill the stats for a while, and wait for another decompression maybe before summer. I’m not trying to be wishful thinking here, but Air RB never had been better since before, the problem is just faster powercreep, but the BR Rating are much better than before especially for 11.0-12.0 which at the time of IRCCM Meta is the most unplayable BR.

Please keep it clean, stop spamming.
thank you.


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You shouldn’t bring up your second account (if true) as an argument to win a debate online if you know that thing is against Gaijin TOS. The reason why I bring that up because you said so, and now you’re asking people to stop asking about it. How is your argument becoming our responsibility to bring it up?

Okay, even though you don’t have that account, then we’re going back again, you’re just another F-14A IRIAF Fanboys that are mad of F-14A IRIAF now getting nerfed again for the second time, that account is just salt to the wound to your argument.

I have bring up my argument why F-14A IRIAF going up to 13.0 is completly justified before another compression. I still haven’t see your argument why you’re against it other than just ranting about it over and over again, AS IF ONLY F-14A IRIAF IS THE SOLE VICTIM OF THIS BR CHANGES.

EDIT: I promise I wouldn’t prolong this stupid rant. Thanks.


Please let’s get back on topic.


Okay I will bring up another topic

It’s just a shame that F-16AM that also have a capabilities to have HMD still don’t receive it and stuck with HMS which only can guide missile. While F-16A OCU of Thailand receive HMD.

Will Gaijin taking look back at the Belgian F-16AM? It MAWS also can carry AMRAAM, and yet only can bring ground ordnance to carry it via MAWS Hardpoint.


But there wasent fox 3 in 12.7(exept aim54 which are slow and bad) thats the point


Still waiting for promised change(since May of previous year) to attackers, because even after changes it’s still barely playable, and that’s not taking the lobotomized teams which die by the time you reach the frontline into account.




It’s incredible how the gaijin doesn’t give a damn about the community, so many changes are needed and that’s all they did? And none of the players asked for, this must be a joke


The br cap being raised is the literal definition of decompression. They’ll move those up, and then the ones below them will finally have some breathing room with it not being at the expense of others. The “decompression” br changes they do now just moves the compression to a different spot.


Definitively not more bases - we have enough guys filling lobbies with their selfish grinding tours, more bases means even more of them.

1 hour matches lasted up to 2019/2020 and made sense for high performance props on large maps like Norway. Changes like red square and the introduction of the F-4E in March 2020 made this option pointless for supersonic BRs.

In addition: Thx to the RP bug a hell of players would lose RP if they play and ended a following match whilst the first one is still running - and epic matches like in the past were rare - it boiled down that you searched for a B-29 at 10+ km somewhere in a map corner - mainly based on 70k SL repair cost.

See above.

Even if i remember some epic battles 1 vs 1, turnarounds playing 1 vs 4+ and (ofc) the 2 matches in which had a mission score of >9.200 points there were also very painful examples like being chased 1 hour by 5-7 JP fighters in a P-51 D-30 on Wake Island. So 25 minutes are ok, especially as the average pilot skill went south.

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Getting more BRs is always better as that guarantees something gets decompressed properly.

Going into 2025 we should force Gaijin to give reasoning and sources if applicable for everything they do

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Gaijin wants us to “discuss”, but it seems that Gaijin does not participate in “discussions” but only imposes its own decisions.
I don’t understand what you mean by “discussion”.
In the meantime, please restore the BR of R3 t20 in AB, BR 5.7 in AB with tags is out of the ordinary.( ꒪⌓꒪)

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