

  • F-5E (FCU), AIDC F-5E — a bug that caused the drop-tanks to not display in x-ray mode has been fixed.
  • Mi-28NM — the 9M123 Khrizantema ATGM has been replaced by the 9M123M Khrizantema-VM. The range has been increased from 6 to 9 km. The maximum speed has been reduced from 550 to 400 m/s.
  • A bug where the sunrise or sunset time would cause the sun to appear below the horizon, visually turning the time of day into night has been fixed. Please note that some cloudy weather may also appear as night, but the sun will be above the horizon. This update does not fix this specific issue.

Ground Vehicles

  • Vilkas engine power has been reduced from 815 HP to 720 HP.
  • ZTZ99A — a bug that knocked out the crew when the lower frontal plate was fired at with medium-caliber HE shells has been fixed. (Report).
  • A bug that caused optical thermal tracking of IFVs and SPAAGs to get distracted by chaff has been fixed.
  • Reduced repair time and decreased durability of commander sights.
  • The TNT equivalent of octogen-based explosives has been changed. Octogen (HMX) from 1.59 to 1.656, Okfol from 1.59 to 1.62, Okfol-3.5 from 1.325 to 1.598. Sources: Химия и технология бризантных взрывчатых веществ. Орлова Е Ю, Химическая физика энергонасыщенных материалов. Д.Д. Талин, Основы технологической безопасности производств энергонасыщенных материалов и изделий. Д.Д. Талин.
  • A new ground vehicle training mission that allows you to familiarize yourself with weapons and equipment has been added. This mission can be started through the Battles > Tutorial menu from the hangar:
    • SAM with multi-channel optical homing head

Naval Vessels

  • A bunch of new gameplay and control tips suggested by players have been added to the loading screen.
  • Pr. 206, Pr. 206 (Germany), Pr. 206-M — a bug that blocked torpedo firing when the bridge was destroyed has been fixed.
  • A bug where there were no waves and the water surface was mirror-like and looked like it was calm in any weather has been fixed.


  • CV9030FIN, CV9035DK, CV9035NL — the engine sounds have been adjusted and reworked in accordance with feedback. Previously, the sound was considered unrealistic, too harsh and lacking the diesel engine howl.
  • For all helicopters when viewed from the cockpit with the doors open, the sound of the external rotors is now independent of their engine volume settings. Their volume is set to an acceptable average level and is designed to mask external sounds. This is done in order to eliminate open cockpit doors as a way of orientation by hearing.

Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the bug reporting service, forums and other official platforms into account. Bug fixes and changes are implemented in order of importance, for example a game-breaking bug will be worked on and implemented sooner.


Is this supposed to be referring to the Optical Contrast Lock-on Range extension mechanic as detailed in the linked Dev blog, or is this going to be expanded to include similar non visual spectrum modes like that are present on some FIM-92 variants?




Support hellfire report. It should get TNT buff too.


3 APS charges on each side turn to 2 and 0 after 1 missile interception.
still no fix after a MONTH.



Good update. Bigger boom for some soviet weapons.
Question: What weapons use Octogen (HMX)? I cannot seem to find any in game.

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well when israeli AH-64D-I Saraph will get Spiker ER?
BORN to enjoy AH-64D-I FORCED to use black HAWK-TUAH


10 months passed, time to nerf old event vehicle to “make room” for new one (Boxer MGS), that is only 1 day away from poping on a battlefield. Or even worse - both Boxer and Vilkas may be altered due to common base! Usual gaijin practice to downgrade event vehicle right before release (same as it was with Tornado IDS Marineflieger and it’s capability to radar lock ground targets so ppl won’t be able to have fun by shooting anti-ship missiles this way"

“nothing suspicious in this piece of change


Frankly, it sounds way worse now. Sounds nothing like they do irl imo.

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Couple that with the complete disregard for the missiles that WON’T lock ships and WON’T fire its pretty insane, given those missiles were the reason it was an event vehicle with unique weapons.

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well tell the players to stop reporting inaccuracies then?

bc users start reporting inaccuracies as soon as they see them, which is usually before they even release the new vehicle.

most changes to vehicles only happen bc some user(s) issued a bug report and documents to prove their claim.


Found a “bug” report: Community Bug Reporting System.
Wiki perfectly shows vehicle base has several A-lternatings (versions) which can have 720 and 820 HP engines, so it is up to gaijin to decide and randomly buff/nerf change, without clarifications of course.

Also this kind of “useful reports” are suspicious, but luckily it is obvious in this case, the reporter actor has only 4 issues where all of them being accepted (4 out of 4) ((4/4)), Karl!

UPD: He has 2 self-resolved issues, 1 denied.
But it took only 1 (single) day to accept the report that just points that Vilkas could have other engine HP value, that’s all, which is basically just a picture:

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sources provided aren’t shown for other people in the report system, in case someone illegaly leaks documents again that Gaijin doesn’t want to be responsible for. They could’ve provide much more substantial evidence that you just dont have access to through the report system as an external person.

I won’t even take the time to respond to the rest, I don’t wanna discuss tinfoil hat theories.

All these sources were accessible before vehicle addition, developer perfectly knows about hull variations and did this intentionally. Like dozen times before (wing sweep soviet Mig-23/Su-22 nerfs as a brief example)


Then show me prove these “hull variations” had different engines and/or different HP values, and that Lithuania used those specific “hull variations”, not the ones with the new value. The Vilkas is specifically a Lithuanian variant, after all.

It’s also easy for Gaijin to miss out on, for example, Lithuanian sources for a Lithuanian vehicle, bc it might not be easy to access them (especially when we’re talking more modern vehicles like this). That could be one of the reasons why someone made a bug report in the first place, bc they had easier access to better, more accurate sources (or way too much free time to spend on it).

Nooo… I liked the darker battles… It was finally something fresh in the stale dryland known as air RB…

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