Update Battle Ratings Implemented

Problem is, the folks at Gaijin probably think the game is balanced right now.

They look at their internal statistics and see equal “efficiency” on most vehicles, and think all is well in the world.

Their view of balance is when every vehicle has the same outcome. Doesn’t matter if players who use them are skilled or less skilled, the vehicle will be buffed or nerfed until the end result is balanced. The vehicle does not give everyone an equal opportunity to perform. This is equity.

Our view of balance is when every vehicle is allowed to have different outcomes. The vehicle itself is as balanced as possible compared to it’s peers, we don’t care if skilled or less skilled players drive the statistics up or down. The vehicle gives everyone an equal opportunity to perform. This is equality.

Please consider the graphic above in a video game balancing context, not real-world politics. What Gaijin is doing is basically affirmative action, but in a competetive gaming setting, and it makes no sense at all in that context.

The height of the people in this context is skill level, and it’s something each player can and should improve upon themselves. The solution is not to handhold. This wouldn’t fly in other games with even a modicum of competetiveness.


the uptier stays the same, besides some t80 which went up, but they now do NOT face abrams or leo 2 123

i play the strf9040 which now do not have a single mbt in thier br to go with

Maybe not better but at least as good because it has gen 3 gunner thermals compared to the 2A5s gen 1.

worse turret armor

Im not familiar with its turret armour but the WT Wikipedia says “The Leopard 2PL features the strongest turret for the Leopard 2 series in game so far due to the turret armor package” and “The 2PL is also able to withstand more than one hit from CL3143, DM53 and 9M119 to the turret face. As opposed to Leopard 2 Improved models (2A5, 2A6, 122), which can typically only withstand a high powered shell to the turret since the additional composite wedge is likely to have been blown off. This changes with the 2PL. Due to the additional armor package being modeled as a permanent part of the tank, the turret face is able to withstand multiple hits from 9M119 and CL3143 and DM53 at any ranges.”

significantly worse (practically non-existant) hull armor

It has worse hull armour? Both the 2A5 and 2PL are based on the 2A4 hull.

no spall liners at all

The 2A5 also doesn’t have spall liners.

When will you be back on reddit btw?

How does the AH-64DJP go from 11.0 to 11.7? It doesn’t even have MAW.

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I think a lot of us would be happy if y’all stuck around to answer at least 10-15 comments each (posts like these should be all hands on deck for community managers because you know people are going to be upset or confused) rather than pumping out these dev blogs and disappearing. Or at least address some concerns. Sure, no one reasonably expects you to address some 3000 plus comments but even 50 doesn’t feel like a tall ask for the team of CMs Gaijin has.

You’ve responded like three times and each of them have been to chastise players for not being dramatic. And forgive us when we say you don’t listen to feedback. There have been plenty of comments asking why the 2PL isn’t getting the DM53 round. A lot of players still think the Abrams are struggling at top tier and wonder why they haven’t gotten a round to combat ERA (M829A3). Why attackers still haven’t gotten their forward spawn despite Gaijin saying they would get it simultaneously as they were moved up in BR.

Yes, you’re human beings and there are a lot of us versus a few of y’all. But we do expect you guys to engage with the community to address concerns and not just a few “stop being dramatic”. In my personal opinion, and people can disagree, but posts regarding BR changes, mechanic changes/new proposals, and major update posts should be all hands on deck from the CMs. These seem to be where players are the most engaged and will have the most concerns/comments.

  1. this isnt a discussion just an information
  2. the discussion with answers and more did happen
  3. stona most likly does not get briefed for every single change
  4. he can not say certain things because he is not part of devs

In my opinion, gajin very good decompress max battle rating for helicopter top tier to 12.0 in the ground RB

McDonnell F3H-2, Grumman F8F-1 and Boeing B-29A good change BR in the Air RB

Sadly, fighter aircraft rank V Me 262 A-1a, Me 262 A-1a/Jabo, Me 262 C-2b, MiG-9, J21RA and Venom FB.4 not decrease BR in the Air RB

It does, on the turret, which is fully coated on them!

Well, that’s just wrong.

A 200mm KE mantlet occupies 1/3rd of the surface, and the right cheek has the enormous gunner sight weakspot as well. Other than that, yes, the turret is well armored.

2A5 has 430mm KE (around 450 with the spare tracks), 2A4 (and 2PL) has 300mm KE.

2A5 has C-Tech hull, 2A4 has B-Tech hull.

Maybe soon!

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Are you serious about A129 and AH-1W being at 11.0 BR while Challenger 2E and Black Night have a higher BR than Challenger 3(P), and Strela-10M2 remains at 10.3?

The A129’s flight characteristics are extremely poor, with severe oscillation issues, and its 20mm cannon has terrible ballistic performance. The AH-1W has poor roll performance. In comparison, the Lynx has far superior airframe performance to both and can mount a 20mm cannon with better ballistic performance for self-defense. The AH-1W and A-129 CBT should be at the same BR as the Lynx, not 0.3 higher.

The situation with Challenger 2E and Black Night is obvious. As an anti-aircraft missile system, Strela–10M2 is quite effective, so staying at 10.3 is clearly inappropriate.

If you’re going to move A-5C up despite all the backlash because of “powerful missiles” then i’d like to see A-10As go up too.


A complete failure to update. premium vehicles are 11.7 when the BR of a top plane in a ground realistic battle is 12.7, why put the player who just bought the premium vehicle directly against the player who owns 12.7 vehicles?we need these aircrafts go13.7 in ground RB

dramatically it’s you.

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Quite sad to see KF41 and OTOMATIC didn’t get br decrease but at least 9.0 and 9.3 will breathe easily now.
Edit: Nope, 9.3 is still 10.3 backhole.


Forums are places for discussions. Thats the whole point of them. And no, there wasn’t much answering on the last post or this one. It was “We are changing this, tell us what you think” and now it’s a “here’s more changes, we address like six things”. Posts like this should have more info from devs when they get dropped. They know people will question things. It is the responsibility of a community manager to address player comments and concerns.


As a player with a lot of top vehicles, I don’t want my teammates to be premium vehicles only players, and I don’t want to be opposite premium vehicles only players. This is a great injustice to me and to them

Leopard PL turret from up, on Xray :

A5 leopard turret from up on Xray.
I could say a5 is more protected compared on pl leopard.

Also, comparing them on frontally, A5 has sloped turret. what is also a big advantage over PL turret.
But yes, pl has better thermals , no argue about that.
But it indeed need better round, since it’s only “free” leopard on 11.7.
It is quite amusing that german has 4 MBT’s in 12.0 and this is only 11.7

What? I don’t think there is. Just a mistake I think.

Ma Chieftain MK10 after br change:


Can you please put the Rooikat MTTD back and remove its DM33 that nobody asked for??

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BT-7A (F32) Should be Rank 3. This was a suggestion in the original feed back by a few people.

Also Im disappointed that gaijin didn’t take any feedback on the Buccaneer S2.B, it should should be 10.3 for AIR RB. It has no guns, too slow, can’t turn, can’t reach a base no airspawn to be competitive for base bombing, optional aim 9Ls only 30 counters. It is a sitting duck at 10.7 with full 11.7 uptiers not to mention it will face a10c AIM 9M spam almost constantly. If the A10 early can be 10.3 so can the buc.