Update Battle Ratings Implemented

A step in the right direction to be sure… however, it just feels insufficient when compression issues have been plaguing the game for months, and even years.

Naval, for example, wasn’t touched at all; the very first Dreadnoughts ever built are still not even a full BR apart from some of the finest Capital Ships ever built. The gap even among many 7.0s is still huge… 5.7-6.0 Cruisers having to deal with these Battleships remains an enormous issue…

And same goes for Ground Top Tier.
The gap in technical capabilities among many 12.0s is still enormous, and even bigger in the case of many 11.7s which are just 0.3 BRs below… and nothing changed in the former 10.7-11.7 range, since all of them just moved 0.3 BRs up, so their relative position to each other remains the same.
1984 IPM1s with a 105mm gun and the very first western composite package to be designed is still out there facing state-of-the-art 2020s MBTs, just at a 0.7 BR difference.

This would be the definition of “too little, too late”. The dissatisfaction is being so loud here because many of us waited for months for a BR update in hopes that the game’s compression would finally be fixed… but it wasn’t, not by a long shot.


Now TKX (P) Type90 and 90(B) need a better dart.

Idk why they havent listen to the 3+ comments under the first blog saying the same .-.

I do understand your concern, but again, we are moving in the right direction and extreme negativity with this “doom-like” mentality just isn’t it. I personally would see it as a positive instead of a negative. This doesn’t mean that “negative” views towards the changes aren’t accepted, criticism is good when we are constructive and avoid massive rants in it.


Gaijin: ask for feedback
in the end: doesn’t give a F anyway.


Why the hell did you think moving the Merkava Mk.4B and Merkava Mk.4B LIC from 11.3 > 12.0 was a good idea? This is far from bring on par with all the other 12.0 vehicles in its current state, please revise this absolutely abysmal decision. Do better gaijin…

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I just would like to see a properly polished and adecuately balanced War Thunder before I die… and sometimes I feel like I won’t get to see it, at the extremely slow pace it ever receives such needed improvements…

Many of us can see so many of the issues so crystal clear, and even provide the perefctly suited solutions… so it’s very frustrating to see it all thrown off the window for no reason.


This is simply not true.

Be positive my friend, In my PERSONAL view i do expect them to manage it.

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prove it then, what changed (outside the 2-3 changes reverted)?. I didn’t see any new changes, despite having a lot proposed by the community.


No they haven’t. The Mk.4B and Mk.4B LIC were always a step below it, and should remain as such.

Changes, no matter what, take time. And as Stona pointed out previously in the post that the posts were passed to the dev team.

The AIM-120 was tested on an experimental F-14A, but it was not fully integrated. The F-14B never had them. The F-14D however was fully compatible with AIM-120 and was intended to use them but sadly due to budget cuts none were ordered or mounted on it in service.

When/if it comes to the game I nonetheless support the D getting AIM-120


But… when?

I’ve been criticising balance issues and suggesting solutions for them for 8 years, ever since I was just a teenager on High School, and now I’m 25, head of household in charge of financial responsibilities, taking care of my sick mother and about to finish school and get a real job… and the exact same balance and compression issues persist, to the exact same degree.

That’s why I grow more and more frustrated every time.

I can already picture the game still having the same balance and compression problems when I’m 40 as it did back when I was a teenager (if the game remains online by then, which I hope).

All I want is to arrive home from a long day and be able to have a fully enjoyable quality time on my favourite piece of entertainment instead having to be all day frustrated because of long-overdue unaddressed issues.

I just want War Thunder to reach its true potential and become the game it could be if it weren’t for these enormous issues that have been dragging it down all these years.


Is true.

Over 5K positives votes demanding bring back the old 0.7 BR spread was completely ignored and the topic closed.
Gaijin continues destroying maps despite the massive negative review by the community.
The complete silence about CAS problem.
And much much more.


For obscure vehicles maybe. Through official statements from moderators we have learned that several of the most popular suggestions were considered but promptly denied due to conflicting with internal statistics. As you might have seen, many players take exception to this approach and are disappointed that vehicle characteristics is disregarded in favor of stats that are heavily influenced by player skill


People might be willing to cut Gaijin some slack if it didn’t seem like all of their decisions are based solely on making money.

Lots of people have been asking for the 2S38 to go up in BR since its implementation. It only ever moves when other vehicles are also being moved(nullifying the effects of the increase)

Gaijing could easily help with the obvious areas of frustration by sharing some of their data that would help explain why they don’t act on repeatedly requested changes… But they don’t.

So we have a premium that seems under tiered to a lot of players and Gaijin won’t explain why they refuse to move it.

What conclusion do you imagine people draw from this?


I cannot give you an answer to this.

Right now Russian have probably the most powerfull lineup of 10.3 (3 T-72, 2S38, BMP-2M, etc)
But of course no russian bias here…


Just like 13.0BR Flankers and 11.0BR MiG-21bis or 11.7BR J-8B in SBEC?

It is really questionable that we are going to “right direction”.

I mean, if you focused to Jet games, compression is being worse from last BR changes.