Update Battle Ratings Implemented

It’d be nice if the AIM could get KE-W A2, it would be both historical and put it on par with the M1A1HC and Clickbait it shares a battle rating with. I also think that if the latter two are going to keep M829A2, the HC should get a tier 2 or 3 modification for M829A1 instead of removing it outright, that way it won’t jump from M829 to M829A2, and a halfway upgraded HC can have a better round to look forward to.


We ought to do this again, but in reverse.

Let’s tank the stats of the Strv 122s and observe as Gaijin gives them DM53 and puts them on 11.7 because “b-but the statistics!”

Now THAT would be hilarious!


Normal F-14s were uptiered with nothing to show for it, the Phoenixes in their current state do not hold up to something like the AV-8B+ with both 120s and 9Ms (Both of which were carried by both tech tree F-14s)

Should the F-14A with it’s absolute nuclear powerplant temperatures and 60 max flares, really be fighting IRCCM missiles? Or potentially even top tier?

this br changes where intended to decompress the top tier, low br decompressions have been 2 updates ago

Oh pls, no. other day i shot one Strv 122s, that was in the same team, by reflex, bc im already traumatized playing against this tank 😭💀


This is the second “decompression” we have in top tier. And there is not a single reason for dont add more changes in mid/low ranks with this update specially after tons of suggestions.
Like i said second class players, 70 euros zone need more love and attetion…

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The current battle rating of the Challenger 3 TD is 11.7 while previous vehicles like the Challenger 2 Black Night is 12.0,

Why, having the same identical armor except by combat armor package (e.g. Donchester) but way better ammunition keeps it at 11.7?

U just ignored the most liked change fpr the 2S38 , which gets brought up every single br change


Stona, what was idea of removing that DM53 from PL leopard afterall, and still bringing it up to 11.7 , when clickbait, and HC still got better round?
And Aim, is still having only KEW
And now, 10.3 is destroyed on german lineup, since A4 went 10.7. And only Leopard on 11.7 is that PL , (excluding premium). That a5 could be 11.7 and everything past it on 12.0

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I hope it’s moved by mistake, especially since Lynxes and T129 stay at 10.7.

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Because it has a slower reload, worse turret armor, lacks turret spall liners, any mantlet penetrations lead to ammo detonation kills and doesn’t have any better mobility.

Just higher pen wouldn’t warrant anything, it’s currently one of the worst Challengers. It should get a 5 second reload and be put along with the rest of the tanks of its family.


there are aside from the russian and chinese tree no valid 10.3 decks i have seen

How is it “decompression” for Top Tier, when most 11.7s are now 12.0, most 11.3s are now 11.7, and most 11.0s are now 11.3?

Arietes are still 0.3 BRs away from Leopard 2A7s and Strv 122s.
The gap in capabilities between the best 12.0s and the worst 12.0s is still large enough that it would warrant a good 0.7-1.0 BR step.
Let alone between most 11.7s compared to many 12.0s.

They just moved almost everything up by 0.3, having zero impact oh these BRs. Nothing changed for 10.7+.

This mere 0.3 “decompression” only affected the 9.0 range. Top Tier is unchanged and as compressed as ever.


8 battles played in 9.3 after the changes a 8 full uptiers. Is the same stupid thing. The real problem is the the terrible and outdated ±1.0 BR spread.

So Mario kart with tanks mode continues unplayable ???

Somehow you Gaijin keep ingorning this one



time for 7.0 b29

Yeah, barely anything at all changed.

We’ve been needing 2-3 BRs worth of decompression for such a long time… and 0.3 is the best they could do, apparently.

The more significant changes to note are Merkava and Ariete’s new rates of fire.

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Is simple, with (1.0) of BR spread any kind of real decompression is impossible.

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Although the changes might be “small” compared to the compression that you guys expect we are still going in the right direction. Smaller changes are more effective at identifying potential issues that come with it.

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Are you kidding me??? we have the same balance problems since YEARS AGO!!! . This is the third “big BR change” and we have exactly the same problems. How many time need Gaijin for see the (1.0) BR spread is completely unfair in practially every rank ???