Update Battle Ratings Implemented

So your post implies that BVM’s entire turret is smaller than the weakspots of ZTZ-99A.
ZTZ-99A is more mobile with a round that performs the same whose armor is slightly better.
And mobility means a lot, and it means far more in urban environments than armor does [see idler wheel weakspot, universal on all tanks].

As I said, they’re more equal than different.

So instead of character attacking people, just don’t.
China remains one of the best top tech trees in the game. 3 good MBTs, 2 meta CAS. It’s why it’s my most anticipated top lineup out of my 4 remaining tech trees.
Italy’s my 2nd most anticipated.
I care little about Israel in random battles, and I’ve played Sweden’s top end elsewhere already so not anticipating that as much.

I think you guys are being a bit too dramatic about it.

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I think AIM will be fine, in the end it change nothing for it (will face the same enemy that already was been facing). Just bc HC/Click-bait got buff dont mean that AIM got nerfed.

My lineup rn:


i had to remove the AH-1Z, which caught me off guard because I didnt pay enough attention to the spreadsheet, but whatever

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Yeah it is also above where it needs to be. Also J-8B and JA-37D same br in air sim now lmao, complete joke this gaijin

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Yeah, but I find it sad that M1A1 AIM can’t get its historical KEW-A2 shell, but, meanwhile, HC and Click-Bait can get M829A2 at the same BR (even though M829A1 is the more historical choice for these Gulf War-depicted tanks), while M1A2 is at the same BR with M829A2 too…

It’s handicapping AIM with an unhistorical shell for no reason at all (it’s a 2006 tank which Australia acquired with the KEW-A2 shell).

For some reason, now the retired Gulf War Abrams from the early 90s are better than the one from 2006 which is still in service.

I’m sad that, if I want superior firepower, I have to replace the 2006 tank with the 1991 one. It just doesn’t make sense.


Would be nice if you would consult the second BR change spreadsheet with the players, the Mig-21s and F-4Es moving down in air simulator mode seems really nonsensical

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Most of these seem like they’re undoing the benefits of the previous decompression BR changes…

Mig-21s, Mig-23s and the F-5s certainly didn’t need to go back down. However I’m really happy the F-1, A-5 and F-4EJ were changed. And thanks for finally listening to us about the F8U, but that motherfucker could have gone directly to 10.7


I mean… prove that Gaijin has KEW-A2’s unclassified information and processed it already.

I agree that KEW-A2 would bee nice (i would love it as US main lol), but as i said other day, i think their reasons was to buff the click-bait exclusively and the HC was also affected bc its the same vehicle.

KEW-A2 is literally Tungsten M829A2.

They didn’t reject it because of lack of information.
They rejected it because… “according to muh statistics, it doesn’t need it”.

Again, another case of:


This is what saddens me. Just because M1A1 AIM players are more competent than Click-Bait spammers, now M1A1 AIM is punished while Click-Bait and HC get rewarded.

I plan to just spawn in AIM and rush in suicide runs to get killed to lower its statistics so that maybe Gaijin will then finally give it KEW-A2…


By this logic HSTV-L should have gone up to 11.7 (12.0 now) when it received tracking + HE-VT last update

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Well, that happens in all aspects of the game, not AIM exclusivity (like leclerc not getting a single buff…)

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Whoever is in charge of battle ratings is completely deviant of the game’s nature, and I have quite a feelings they’re forced to be that way.


Yep. I just hate that PLAYER statistics still have such a big say in the way vehicles are balanced instead of their real, objective technical capabilities.

It should be the other way around; balance vehicles first based on their actual capabilities, and then, maybe then, use the aid of player statistics for polishing.

Instead, they mindlessly use player statistics and only rarely ever technical capability considerations.


Eh, AIM players are pretty bad too I’ve noticed. Though that may just be because you don’t get KE-W until Tier 3 which is pretty terrible for a 11.3 tank. Seriously, they need to move KE-W to Tier 2.

I could buy the AIM for SL right now if I wanted to but there’s no point. I’m not dealing with 11.3 America AND HEATFS grind for 3 tiers of modifications.

When we say (YOU) we obviously don’t mean you as CM’s, but you as developers / Gaijin.

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Reminds me of when some really great players decided to manipulate statistics, and played the CL-13 Mk.4 the best they could, it was shortly thereafter moved up 0.6 BR despite being vastly inferior to most other F-86 variants, lmao.

edit: of course, on the forums the mods denied that such a thing had ever happened.
edit 2: it was moved up by 0.3 BR, actually

The reddit thread about that in question:



Indeed, hahahah.

This is also why Arietes are just 0.3 BRs apart from Leopard 2A7s/Strv 122s…
Or why Merkavas are now 12.0…

“What do you mean tanks played exclusively by a small niche of veteran players who play them as a challenge show better performance statistics that tanks played by the large bulk of the average playerbase? That surely means these tanks are totally OP! Technical capabilities, what’s that?”


That bother me too, all vehicle should be balanced by its capabilities, not by players capabilities. But that is the excuse Gaijin have to keep some tanks at some brs… 2s38 cof cof…


Because people play between 1.0 to 8.0 are second class players. Looks like we need wait another 5 months for see some kind of decompression in mid/low ranks.

Flagged cuz said the true…