Update Battle Ratings Implemented

I really don’t get his point, Python 3 at 11.3, what else do you want?

It should be able to carry at least 38 APFSDS rounds, though, which is why 11.0 makes more sense for it

I don’t get that either. Compared to Glynx, which has 4 Stingers, 8 Hellfire, and flair, the A-129P has only flairs and a 12.7-turret joke.

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I want this br analyst job, sits there and comes up with retarded br that doesn’t make sense whatsoever. It must be an easy job, do it last second and come up with a number to make your boss happy and piss off the player base. JOBS DONE! This br change can be summed up with one word “GABOON”


Even T129 from the same TT is at 10.7, which is better in everything apart from slow UMTAS missiles.

This report is in regards to the Namer 30’s recent BR change as of October 10th 24’. the Namer’s BR was previously a 10.3, this BR seems unfair to the IFV’s capabilities. Now the Namer’s BR has been changed to 10.7, completely unreasonable. The Namer 30 has 4 spike ATGM’s and 1x 30mm Bushmaster auto cannon with APFSDS.
this armament seems fair at a more realistic battle rating of [10.0 VII] or [9.7 VI] but at [10.7 VII] its almost completely useless at 10.7. In my experience I have played just over 40 games with the Namer 30 and have only received upteirs as of its most recent BR.
The spike missiles show to be inaccurate and ineffective against any medium tank at 10.0-11.7, even with nearly 1000mm of penetration.
The 30mm bushmaster auto-cannon has nearly 120mm of penetration with APFSDS which shows to be completely in-effective against medium tanks [10.0+]. the 30mm is only able to penetrate these tanks under very specific circumstances. Similar tanks such as the BMP line and the M3 Bradly have very similar penetration and armor but are at a significantly lower BR (8.3)
If the Namer were to receive a rating change from [10.7 VII] to [9.7 VI] it would prove to be a viable IFV.
There should be no concern of the BR change being to much for rank VI as the majority of tanks in rank VI are more than capable of resisting attacks from the Namer 30’s 30mm and spike missiles. said tanks are also more than capable of penetrating the Namer 30’s armor.
this is a high priority change as there are only 3 vehicles in rank VII for Isreal.

It is 11.7 now. Same as american premium phantom. And both aim9p4 and pythons do not have any flare protection.

Because you mention the F-4S at 11.7 and F-5E FCU at 11.7 I assume you play arcade right?

I think that’s a fine balance, one is a furball brawler while the other is a missile truck forced to hide behind mountains and make quick shots at medium ranges. Each with their own strengths and weaknesses.

Bro, that’s in air arcade. No disrespect to you, but most people here assume Air RB as the default

And expecting IRCCM missiles on a 11.3 supersonic jet is… wild

Supersonic fighter + IRCCM is 13.0 material minimum

Jaguar IS, incase you nitpick this and say “that’s not a fighter” than you may have forgotten about the Mirage F1 and M2K or the GR7, as well as other examples.


Fair enough, although these are 12.0 and 12.3, which is still much higher than F-5E FCU and I imagine the only reason they’re not higher is that they are limited to only 2x IRCCM missiles

The airframe quality is important, yes. No idea how the Jaguar handles, but I imagine it’s not good, or else it wouldn’t have the BR it has.

Sadly not that many play SIM or assume a BR is for sim if it isn’t explicitly mentioned

The M2K used to have an ahistorical 4x Magic II loadout lol. Glad they got rid of that.

Absolute buns

Fair enough

lol 9.7 with fully autonomous missiles?

The Namer is fine at 10.7, and could probably be ok at 11. The fact that I’m seeing them in my Challenger MK2 when my “comparable” IFV is the Desert Warrior is a travesty.

The facts have been very clear: many people are very unhappy with this adjustment, what should be strengthened has not been strengthened, what should not have been strengthened has been strengthened, and even Gaijin has made unexpected changes without making any explanation! It’s like the problem with the armor of the ZTZ99A not so long ago, when no one cared, and now you all know how odious this act of self-determination is.

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Everyone is expressing their opinions in their own way, but so far there has been no response to players from those factions with fewer numbers, and I also wanted to have positive expectations for the game, but most of the time I was disappointed.


i said this in my first statement, the spike missiles are incredibly inaccurate. they only hit the target 30% of the time. on top of that, they suck at actually doing damage to tanks. in my experience I have to use all 4 of my spikes too kill any MBT. 10.7 is not okay
on top of that, if the line of sight is at all broken, they loose their lock.

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In my experience:

50% of the times, the Spike misses entirely or glances an irrelevant spot (tracks, mudguards, a machine gun…) or even BOUNCES OFF the tank.
24% of the times, the Spike hits, but areas it can’t penetrate.
24% of the times, the Spike hits and penetrates, but only deals “critical” damage (usually killing 1 crew member and starting a fire).
2% of the times, the Spike actually kills.

It’s kinda sad.


I routinely see spikes swatting helicopters and MBTs.

Why is the F-84F in the US Tree the only one with an airspawn?


I am going to leave a bit of positive feedback about the changes that took place, to compensate all the rage over the changes that did not take place;

Playing 9.3 is now a pleasure, since early T-64/72s, M60s, etc, don’t have to face Abrams and Leopard 2s anymore.

8.7 and 9.0 have improved to some degree as well!

I just hope we see such changes for Top Tier soon.