Update Battle Ratings Implemented

the leopard 2PL doesnt need DM53 at all

Yeah, I wasn’t sure what was going on with craft going from 13.3 to 13.

Being the same BR as the 2A7, PSO, 2A6, 2A5, yes it does lol. I am very well versed in the German tanks in this game.

no it literally doesnt and it isnt the saem BR as all of those tanks, it sits at 11.7 while they are 12.0.

it also still has over 300 angled pen, it doesnt Need Dm53 at all, you want it to have it, massive difference

Realistically the BRs of these tanks are the same as they were before hand, nothing has changed bar the number, you still see the exact same stuff, the leopard 2pl is a fine tank at its respective BR.

the fact of the matter is, weve now had all 9.0 tanks decompressed so it finally can breath e.g leo2ks with 10.3 rounds at 9,7 seeing 8,7s.

Honestly the worst part about the Arietes right now is that Italy got a 2A7HU to fill in as a last BR tank, they could just take away the DM53, make the top round CL3143 again and throw them down to 11.0 and 11.3 and call it a day. Hell, if CL3143 sounds too good for 11.0, give the first two Arietes DM33 and it’d still be fine.


Your reading me with the mind of your animal spirit or do you missed something out in this BR update?

Please tell me when 11.7 WON’T play with 12.0.

Back to the original statement,

IF this is the reason, so be it. But I would like to know.

what nation that isnt a minor nation severely lacking equipment has a round on a tank that didnt use that round?

they cant even give the chieftain mk5 a round it did use.

british tanks are not atrociuous at all, and the mk10 chieftain for example does not need l23a1

it literally is the reason why it does not have the round, and its not the same BR, its a lower BR that will sit in teh same bracket.

im not sure i follow? xD

My guy. Please tell me why someone would take the PL over any of the other MBT Germany has.
I play top tier Germany for the past couple years, and its not in my lineup, as the other MBTs are far better.
Then please tell me what lineup YOU would use for 11.7 Germany, as there are MAYBE 3 vehicles total? Less?
If you can’t, then you’re REQUIRED to play it with your 12.0 lineup. And guess where that leads you ;D

leads you to 12.7 cas spam :D

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And it’s not just this, it’s numerous things. Some spanning as far back as 6 plus years.

Since their release, players have responded/suggested/complained/you name in regard to $75-$80 premium packs, and that they are too expensive. Gaijin has never responded to that.

At least 800 players have reported to have experienced the bug that effectively erases RP at the module research screen if you complete/take part in two or more battles too quickly. Thats been an issue for years, and it’s not never been addressed.

Hundreds of players have stated the 2S38 is too low. At every BR post, it’s brought up. At every single post, that is mentioned. Even after all of the changes, players still think it’s too low.

They can’t sit here and say they listen to feedback when there are so many examples you can point to where players have made their frustrations or concerns here and there’s been next to nothing in terms of a reply. As I’ve said earlier; if your design process doesn’t allow the community management team and a handful of devs spend an hour or two address these issues, even if it’s just once a month, either to provide an update or explain why X or Y haven’t been done, then there’s an issue with the process.


cause ive got 8 slots in my german lineup and its a fine back up?
i also had an 11.3 lineup specifically with it, and 2 leo2a4s to take into top tier.

so, my guy, why the fk do you think a tank that is more than sufficient is in so much need of such a busted round. its the best round in game, teh DM43 is nearly as good as the L27A1 fired by teh challanger 2s

So the lesson here is:

They’re making it a 12.0 tank with an 11.7 rating as there is not enough for a lineup at 11.7.
But they’re taking away the main part that would make it 11.7, let ALONE 12.0 for the sake of…?

couldnt agree more man. genuinely the ones from years ago are still ongoing is baffling, regenerative steering for example

punishing 1 death leavers. tkers, and trolls more severely etc

overhaul ARB, overhaul GRB, sim being ignored. the list goes on, and on and on

What’s your lineup at 11.7 looking like now? :D

It actually just got addressed today on the bug reporting page!

I’m willing to take that point back if that’s truly the case but I haven’t seen it. I just know it’s been a massive point of contention for half a decade now.

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the same as when it was 11.3

leo1a1(l44) , leo2K (talisman), leo2a4, leo2a4 (pzbtl 123), leo2PL, mig21 lazur and the hunter F58, my apoligies ive got 7 slots not 8 for germany