Update Battle Ratings Implemented

Because they balance vehicles by their average SL gain when compared to vehicles at the same BR (they call this efficiency). Clearly one plane is gaining average SL at its BR and the other had too high SL gains when compared to other planes at the same BR, so it was moved up.

There are even funnier examples of balancing based on average SL gains per spawn (keep in mind these gains are obviously normalized for all vehicles, otherwise premium vehicles would have higher efficiency than tech-tree vehicles):

Identical planes in the same tech-tree at different BRs, because of the balancing system.

BTW: You can read more about the BR balancing here:

Because different players with different skills play “different” vehicles, it’s possible to have this kind of weird situations, where exactly same vehicles have different BRs. It’s rare nowadays, it used to be much more common a few years ago, but there are still a few examples like the one above.


583pen isn’t bad lol

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overtiered vehicle → have to do better to perform well in it and have skill → more skill than others → br goes up/vehicle gets nerfed → repeat cycle

whatever algorithm they’re using needs to get obliterated


Oh, yay then! In that case, I am happy with that decission.

However, I am still triggered about Australian M1A1 AIM using a shell it never operated xD.


Why does the Namer 30 have a different battle rating (BR) compared to the Puma VJTF and the KF41? All three vehicles are equipped with a stabilized 30mm autocannon, two loaded Spike missiles, and two spares. So why is the Namer 30 rated one BR lower than the other two? I believe all of these vehicles would perform well at a BR of 10.7, just like the Namer after the BR changes. (pls someone explain)

We have to appreciate how much effort Gaijin is putting into balancing and fixing flaws in the game! They sure are doing it the right way! Definitely not masking the flaws of the game by “attempting” to balance its BR and fixing unrealistic issues with several vehicles and its statistics! Keep it up and this game surely will be more positively liked!

Half the games at this stage tbh.

More raging tbe moved the canadian ram to the british tree, which had next to no british involvement.

Yet the british hunter f58 operated by the swiss sits as the best one in tbe whole ass game, in the german tree?

Britain has two russian vehicles which it had literally 0 involvement with, in the british tree. Yet the british made, or close ally usef equipment is left away.

Chieftain in game for example is a mk5/4, which had lrf and the l15a5 tungsten core apds instead of cobolt copper. ( go check chieftain threads its all in there) yet its missing all of these things.

Or how the f5c which didnt mount flares, which was absolutely fine at 11.0 (f5e) should of went up, is now 10.7

Gaijin has really dropped the ball big time.
Theyve managed to compress air again and allow ground units that are absolutely absurd sit at stupid brs due to balancing off of efficiency.


I love how the BR system was designed to work around a vehicles capabilities and armerment, e.g if a vehicle is stronger than its counter parts at the same br, it would move up.

Now? Its just put stuff wherever they feel, even if a vehicle statistically cannot compete with its counter parts. F4J(uk) or for example the gr1A being the dame br as the f5c

I give up


Sadly @Morvran it’s another exemple of Gaijin not knowing it’s game enough to judge over the player feedback,…

Like many aircrafts,… the BR update is destroying a lot of barely enjoyable planes, and gives some advantageous position to others.

That’s only the usual problem, repeated again.
(I also thinks that some of our feedback is already moderated before the Devs get hits with it, by Marketing or another internal service)


i mean were going back to compression again

Why did the Israeli A4-E only jump to 9.3? Put it straight to 12.7, that’s where it belongs.

Only on some aircrafts,… which is very sad.

The RadKampfWagon 90 at 10.0 while the Centauros are still 9.7 is just stupid. Same round and similar mobility but no thermals.

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They’re still capable of firing the rounds, making the rounds historically accurate.
We aren’t playing as militaries. You can pretend to be one in custom battles if you want.

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So DM53 in the 2PL IS possible to be fired, but it wasn’t actually used so it’s not implemented?
I’m not sure what you mean by:

If you put Merkava Mk4s at 12.0 BR then buff the armor to IRL values. First thing to say is that since the armor IRL is SLERA and NOT Nera, also its supposed to explode so there must be something like RHA layers to hold the explosions. I don’t care that the turret is made of NERA, but why only this material? why no RHA or any other layers? Israel is surrounded by many countries that have tanks with both CE and KE shells, you think they will only protect themselves against CE shells? 0% total sense, SLERA should be added or the armor should be magically buffed.

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i mean technically the gun on the chieftain can fire L26 rounds, do you want that on the chieftain, does it make sense? because it technically can fire it from teh cannon. or do we want to stick to what vehicles actually used E.G the DM43 which is absolutely a phenomenal round for the BR.
or give tanks what they did actually use, not what they theoretically can use

in regards to them balancing, as we’ve seen in other nations, they COULD give it armament that it didn’t “use.” IDK anything about the other smaller nations tbh, but it def could help British tanks as they are atrocious.
Im not sure this is a problem (I don’t have one with it so far)

all teh F16s that dropped down, su27s, J11s etc are not compression for the entire 12.0? and 11.7 area? xD

or the fact now all mig21s from 11.3 dropped to 11.0, F5C, etc etc etc it is recompressing. rather than seperate the ARH missile slingers, and let all teh F16s, gripens etc sit in their own littler area bellow teh ARH slingers, we now have mirage f1s, F4 phantoms, and all other kinds of early coldwar capable jets going toe to toe with F15s, gripens, mirages, Su27s mig29s F16s, F14s the list goes on and on. ,its compressed, again